Nigel Morrey, technical director at Siniat, discusses what EXAP is and why it is vital to removing ambiguity and ensuring robust building safety standards.

Last month, Michael Gove admitted pre-Grenfell cladding guidance was ‘faulty’ and ‘ambiguous’. While shocking to hear, for those of us who work in the construction industry, many of us had to agree.
Since Grenfell, the government has invested heavily into finding out what went wrong and ensuring such a tragedy never happens again. These actions have resulted in major tightening up of the fire safety guidance detailed in Approved Document B in 2019, yet it is still full of ambiguous footnotes, exceptions, and grey areas. So much so that Approved Document B is currently under consultation to discuss the removal of the national classification system for construction products (BS 476 series).
Ambiguity can lead to compromises on safety and questions around liability. The only way to achieve clarity and give specifiers the confidence they need to build safely is to cut out grey areas and eliminate differing national standards. EXAP holds the key to this.

What is EXAP?

EXAP means extended field of application and is the standard used to extend a fire test’s results to other similar systems – it is now referenced in Approved Dcoument B as the only recognised method of making these extensions or assessments.
The publication of the Hackitt report in 2018 played a major role in identifying failings within the construction industry’s regulations, codes, practices, and approval processes. This resulted in changes to Approved Document B to ensure fire safety legislation is more robust.  The changes outlined that the industry should move away from testing systems for fire resistance to BS standards and instead ensure that systems are both tested and classified to the latest EN standards. This means following a process of ‘Test’, ‘Extend’, and ‘Classify’.  First, testing must use the appropriate EN fire testing standard. Next, extension of test data to similar applications can be done, but only by qualified and approved 3rd party bodies using the test standard or extended application (EXAP) – and critically only where the standards explicitly allow it. Finally, this evidence must be validated and summarised in an official 3rd party classification report.
While more robust standards are vital, the challenge is that the updated guidelines in Approved Document B are more onerous than previous testing standards. They demand extensive additional testing, extension and classification of a manufacturer’s entire portfolio of systems, which is a laborious and expensive task. This process takes time – even years to complete. So, it is understandable that since 2019 the industry has been in a transitionary period.

The time is now

A transitionary period has been required to allow manufacturers to undertake the adequate testing and ensure the nation’s buildings are being built to the safest standards. However, four years down the line and with a question hanging over national classifications,  we should no longer be seeing projects that require EXAP being specified to BS. It simply is not good enough.   We know that the industry is serious about preventing the loss of property, and of life. So, we need to put that concern into action. Meeting the most up-to-date, robust, legislation is the best – and easiest – way to improve the safety of our buildings and give our partners and more importantly, the people who will live and work in the buildings we construct, the peace of mind they need.
To achieve this, a change in mindset is required. EXAP should now be seen as the minimum standard, whether or not the current consultation results in the removal of BS 476 recognition now, or in the future.   Manufacturers have the power to enact this by ensuring their entire portfolio of systems meet these requirements. But organisations throughout the supply chain, including specifiers, have the responsibility to hold their manufacturers and suppliers accountable.

The Golden Thread

Liability is a huge concern within the industry and so it should be. Regulation 38 states that not only organisations can be held responsible, but individuals can be prosecuted too. In fact, any person responsible can be held liable retrospectively for up to 30 years since a build, and 15 years prospectively.  So, demanding EXAP classification reports is crucial for ensuring that fire safety standards are taken seriously. If contractors, architects, and building control aren’t requesting adequate fire resistance information, it won’t become part of the project requirements and inevitably won’t be supplied, potentially exposing the client, designers and contractors to future issues.  On top of this, the reports also help the industry to move towards the Golden Thread of information which is expected to become embedded in law within the next few years.
The Golden Thread has become a crucial way to increase transparency within the industry and show how every organisation contributing to the construction of a building has mitigated risk. It stipulates a need for an up to date, easily accessible and unbroken thread of information. The evidence found within EN and EXAP evidence ensures that fire safety information is supplied in a clear and consistent format, enabling the Golden Thread to be achieved more easily across the industry.
Requesting EXAP classification reports is vital to ensuring that as an industry we are moving towards safer processes and futureproofing our buildings. This will give construction professionals today, and tomorrow, the peace of mind that their building is safe.


In 2019, the UK Government committed to the Net Zero target as recommended by the Climate Change Committee – and the construction industry will have to play a big part if that is to be achieved.
UK construction produces 400 million tonnes of waste a year, accounts for 36% of energy use and 39% of CO2 emissions, and 30% of construction material is waste.

The drive in the construction sector is towards sustainably sourced or recycled building product to help reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Barton Windows, which provides an extensive range of aluminium systems and specialises in aluminium windows, doors and curtain walling, is looking at a sustainable future and the fabricator’s Director, Ian Smith, said:

“More expectation is now being placed on businesses in all sectors, but particularly the fenestration and construction industries and we want to make sure Barton is doing everything it can when it comes to sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint.”

The importance of aluminium

One of the big advantages for Barton is the sustainability credentials of aluminium. Arguably the most sustainable building material in the world, it can be recycled back into high quality aluminium and the recycling process saves 95% of the energy required to produce aluminium from raw materials.
As a material it is also durable, highly resistant to rusting and corrosion, and requires very little long-term maintenance. It is also light weight, making it easy to handle which reduces the environmental impact and cost of transportation.

“The life span of aluminium products can be measured in decades rather than years and this, coupled with its recycling process, makes it hugely sustainable. After all, aluminium is known as the green metal for a reason,” said Ian.
“With the shift towards greener products only set to continue, aluminium will play an increasingly significant role as a building material in construction and the fenestration as we head towards a greener future. If we are to have any chance of hitting important targets in 2025 and 2050 then aluminium provides the best chance of doing it.”

Investing in modular

With Barton Windows being part of Modular Group Investments Limited (MGI), modular construction also plays a big part in the 35-year-old company’s focus.  MGI is a rapidly growing group focused on acquiring businesses around the off-site sector with the goal of making a positive contribution to UK offsite and modular manufacturing.
Ian said:

“With the UK so far behind in terms of the number of new houses that need to be built, modular is the answer to not just build quicker but greener too.
It generates up to 90% less waste than traditional construction, it means 90% less vehicle movements to sites, thus reducing the carbon footprint and 94% of materials in modular construction are sourced in more eco-friendly ways.”

Taking care

Not content with contributing to construction’s drive for a sustainable future with its aluminium products and its supply to the modular sector, the North Lincolnshire fabricator is doing its best to reduce its own carbon footprint.
Meeting its Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) values is playing an increasing role in Barton’s business agenda. A formalisation of a business’s collective conscientiousness, among other things it looks at how a business performs on environmental challenges, including waste and recycling.
Moving to lower emissions on its fleet, it recently taken delivery of its new hybrid Toyota Corolla Commercial van, which replaces a diesel van, and achieves 60 mpg so is good for the environment.
Ian added:

“We have always taken our environment obligations seriously and that includes manufacturing responsibility and more sustainable working practices so we can meet the sustainability requirements and expectations of our customers.”

For more information on Barton Windows CLICK HERE TO visit the website

or call 01652 633897


In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the impact of embodied carbon in all areas of construction, with the Environment Audit Committee calling for the Government to introduce mandatory whole life carbon assessments for all buildings¹.

Whilst addressing this area will be key to achieving the country’s Net Zero ambitions, it is important that project teams understand the relationship between embodied and operational carbon emissions. In some cases, changes to specifications designed to reduce embodied carbon emissions, can notably increase operational emissions. This is especially true when it comes to insulation for building fabric and services. New calculation tools are now available which can help specifiers to balance these objectives and achieve an optimal outcome.

Understanding Insulation Emissions

Phenolic pipe insulation products are a popular solution for both on- and offsite building services specifications. A key reason for this is their thermal conductivity, which can be as low as 0.025 W/mK. The lower this value is, the more effective the insulation is at preventing heat transfer. This means building services are able to perform more efficiently (with lower operational carbon emissions) at a given thickness of insulation when compared with insulation materials with higher thermal conductivities, such as mineral fibre.  As with all insulation materials, when specifying phenolic pipe insulation, it is possible to further reduce heat transfer by using greater thicknesses of insulation. However, this will also raise the embodied impact of the product as greater quantities of raw materials must be used, produced and transported to insulate a given length of pipework.
It is important to have a clear understanding of this trade off in order to minimise a building’s overall carbon emissions. In the case of pipe insulation, properly installed measures will deliver operational carbon savings across a building’s lifespan. This means that whilst increases in insulation thickness will marginally raise embodied carbon emissions, the savings in operational carbon emissions will typically be much greater.

Carbon Calculator

To support project teams, the Kingspan Kooltherm Pipe Insulation Carbon Calculator tool has now been launched.  The tool is designed to be quick and easy to use, helping
specifiers to gain a better understanding of operational and embodied carbon emissions, along with the payback period for the specified insulation.
Users need to enter a few project conditions, such as energy price and operational hours, along with factors specific to the system design including pipe lengths, diameters and materials, and system operational temperatures. The calculator will then generate results for different pipe insulation thicknesses based on the following key industry standards:

BS 5422 – this sets out minimum insulation thicknesses for a range of systems and scenarios;
Energy Technology List (ETL) – this provides enhanced pipe insulation specifications designed to raise system performance;
CIBSE CP1 Heat Networks – Code of Practice  – this includes recommended thicknesses for internal building pipework used as part of heat networks.


There is also an option to input your own custom thicknesses of Kingspan Kooltherm Pipe Insulation to see how these may impact results.
The tool provides a range of outputs in clear graphs. The embodied carbon of the relevant size and thickness of insulation will be calculated, and this will be combined with the carbon associated with the lost heat over a specified period of time.
You will also receive the results for system heat loss on an annual basis, the costs associated with these losses along with the expected capital cost of the insulation product (not including installation, pipework or other fittings).
As shown below, the graphs are designed to allow different specifications based on the three industry standards, or those from custom pipe insulation thicknesses, to be easily compared. This can help to understand the time it will take for the additional capital cost and embodied carbon from enhanced specifications to be offset by the reduction in the carbon from lost heat and associated costs. These results can then be generated into a project specific report.


If you would like more information on our new tool and how it can help your project,


Kingspan Technical Insulation’s team





Plastic is bad right? Yet, low maintenance, thermally efficient and highly recyclable, on paper it has a lot to offer the construction sector. So where is it going wrong?

You’re on site. It’s a muddy winter’s day and bundles of shrink wrap and tape are blowing like tumble weed in a Western movie, across the muddy puddles, waiting to entangle themselves in neighbouring hedgerows.  It’s as negative an image of plastic as there can be (unless its ensnaring marine wildlife). And while the construction sector has taken steps in the right direction, plastic waste remains a big problem.  Recent government data shows that the UK has cut plastic waste by 2.7% over the past two years as we switch to paper straws and reusable bags. But at the same time plastic waste in construction jumped by 46%, reflecting increased sector activity.

So, can plastic ever be green? Or should the construction sector be turning its back on it once and for all?

“Plastic waste is definitely a problem for construction”, says John Duckworth, Director Commercial Sales, Deceuninck. “Site waste can be massively damaging.
“But the issue is less about the material than our attitude towards it. If we stop seeing plastic as disposable, the problem goes away.”  This is the point of contention for Deceuninck, the PVC-U window systems leader. It has invested more than €15million in one of the world’s most advanced recycling and compounding facilities to create the capacity to reprocess up to 45,000 tonnes of post-consumer and post-manufacturing PVC-U per year.  In real terms this gives it the capacity to prevent more than three million windows from going to landfill annually.  “It’s about the circular economy”, continues John. “Manufacturing products with less embodied carbon; designing them better so that they are more energy efficient; and making them easier to recycle at end of life.  “It’s about lowering carbon and to do that we need to change our approach to material choices.”

Deceuninck’s recycling facility also encompasses the largest dry blending facility in Europe, fully integrated with its main manufacturing facility, the approach connects process, while reducing CO2 emissions by 90,000 tonnes compared to virgin feedstocks. It also delivers a 90% energy saving.

This forms a key pillar of Deceuninck’s commitment to ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse emissions through the corporate carbon reduction scheme, Science Based Targets (SBTi).

This includes the pledge to cut the CO2 emissions from its own operations (Scope 1&2) by 60% by 2030 from a 2021 baseline. Allowing for future growth in real terms this means reducing CO2 per tonne of product produced by 75%. This goes significantly beyond the SBTi minimum target of 42%.  It has also committed to cut emissions from within its supply chain (Scope 3 emissions) by 48% per tonne by 2030, as part of its wider journey to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.  John continues: “In the UK PVC-U has an A+ Green Guide Rating on the basis that it can be recycled more than 10 times, without impacting on performance.  “PVC-U windows have a reference service life of around 35 to 40 years, so the material used in each window made with virgin feedstock could be recycled and still be in use in 350 to 400 years’ time.

“The key thing is we have to recycle it.”

Deceuninck’s main suite of energy efficient window and door profiles can include up to 50% recycled material. This is manufactured using leading edge co-extrusion technologies, which isolate recycled content in areas away from the surface of the product, guaranteeing finish and performance.


“The technology is there today to manufacture a 100% recycled window”, John continues, “We’ve done it with Phoenix, our 100% recycled window.  “In bringing post-consumer material back into use on a day-to-day basis at a lower level, we’re already lowering the carbon footprint of our products but critically, designing them to be easier to recycle at end of life, pushing down the carbon footprint of the next generation of products.”




Elegant is one of a new generation of energy efficient window and door systems from Deceuninck. The fiberglass composite window delivers a step change in performance achieving U-values as low as 0.8W/m2K.  The system is built around a single ultra-energy-efficient modular frame which is available as a standard 76mm system. These can be combined with any of five different sash options.

It can also be combined with Decoroc, Deceuninck’s next generation foil, so fitted alongside aluminium products as part of dual-specification installations.

“Elegant gives you a lot of design flexibility,” John says. “You’re getting a window that can be optimised for either commercial or residential applications with a massive amount of flexibility within those markets because of the combination of sash and frame options that we can offer.”


Given this combination of design, flexibility, advanced thermal performance and recyclability at end of life, John argues that PVC-U building products continue to offer significant value to the construction sector – but moreover, can be part of a greener future.

“We maybe need to get over one or two prejudices that we have about materials and to judge them on what they actually deliver”, he says.  “There are underlying issues about our attitude towards plastics but much of that sits with our cultural attitude towards them and the fact that we have seen them as being disposable.  “If you’re judging PVC-U as a building material and PVC-U windows and doors within that category, you should be approaching that process factually.  “The material is energy efficient, it can and is being recycled and new generation composite PVC-U products can and are being used to maximise value on a wide range of projects.”

For more information call 01249 816 969

CLICK HERE to email Deceuninck



Water conservation is the key to reducing energy bills.  Heating water accounts for nearly 1/5th of energy use in UK homes.

Reducing hot water demand is an effective way to help occupants conserve energy and reduce bills.  Some uses are fixed, e.g. the washing machine or dishwasher, here education about full loads and eco settings can have an impact.  However, many are not.   Showers account for a quarter of UK domestic water usage.  To reduce this hot water usage there are three options:

Cold showers, not ideal on a cold winter morning
Shorter showers, using egg timers or a ‘favourite song’ to cut shower time

Flow reduction, less water is used while the shower is running.
The first two options require active engagement by all members of the household.  The last is a fit and forget method of permanently reducing water use.

‘Eco’ or water saving shower heads are designed to restrict the water flow to a single outlet.  They are highly effective but retrofits like these come at a price, especially larger properties with multiple bathrooms.  They also do nothing for running taps, whether they’re in the bathroom or kitchen.

A second 1/5th of water usage is the taps in the house, e.g. rinsing the coffee cup, or washing hands.  Again, flow restrictors can be fitted to each of these outlets.   For households on an increasingly tight budget, or developers trying to minimise costs, multiple fittings for each tap or shower might not be an investment they are able to make.

Household flow restriction for just £20 per property

The alternative is whole site flow reduction.  Fitting a device such as Groundbreaker’s NRv2 LoFlo, at the meter regulates the level of flow entering customer premises – regardless of network pressure.  As the flow of water into the premises is limited, then the amount used in ‘time controlled’ activities is also limited – but without providing a degradation of service.  More importantly not requiring any intervention or behavioural change on the part of the customer, so leading to ‘natural’ reduction in consumption.   Our water companies are regulated to provide a minimum level of water supply, but in many areas, due to network structure and gravity fed systems, supply is much greater. Households in high pressure areas could be receiving up to three times the required minimum levels.  So, run a hose for five minutes at the bottom of the hill, and your lawn will be greener that the gardener that does the same at the top.  ‘Time controlled’ uses could be reduced if all households received the same acceptable, ‘standardised’ supply.   Independent research carried out by WRc, showed a theoretical reduction of 2-4% of typical water usage when devices such as LoFlo are installed. However, recent field trials by a major UK water company have showing savings of 5%.   As part of UK Net Zero Carbon targets water companies have been targeted to reduce the water householders are using, Per Capita Consumption (PCC).  PCC reduction targets average just under 6% in the UK, so utilising property flow restriction could achieve just 1% off the average PPC reduction targets!  However, water companies are also tied to customer performance commitment levels (C-Mex), and some seem to be concerned that a reduction in the supply levels to properties will prompt customer complaints, offsetting the financial rewards of achieving PCC targets.  Field trials of devices such as LoFlo, have shown that most customers are not aware of supply levels in their property, within certain limits. Especially when moving into a new property, customers accept the levels as ‘being what it is’ and fears of an increase in customer complaints impacting C-Mex values are overrated.  In recent trials in England, where occupants did notice the change in supply, it was the positive impact of reduced flow that was cited, e.g. reduced splashing at the kitchen sink.  Not a single occupant wanted the LoFLo to be removed after the trial period

The NRv2 LoFlo can be easily and simply retrofitted to any meter installation, or meter exchange when upgrading or remediating underground meter chambers.  Thus, allowing water demand  management, with little or no impact on consumers, at the minimal cost of approximately £20 per household.  As the LoFlo is fitted at the water meter, it is the water companies fitting.  Therefore, developers must be proactive in challenging water companies to provide a standardised supply to help UK housing stock to achieve water consumption targets.



Clive Feeney, LHC Group Director

More than 6,000 construction insolvencies are expected in 2023 and construction output is forecast to fall by 3.9%, prompting sector-wide concern around project pipelines and profit margins.

Predictions across the board paint a bleak picture, but more so in the private sector with an expected 38% drop in new housing starts over the next two years.  In the public sector there is demand for new social housing and requirement to retrofit existing ‘fuel poor’ social homes to an EPC band C by 2030. However, monetary support was not forthcoming in Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement in November last year. There was no mention of funding to improve the UK’s energy-inefficient housing stock – loft insulation and boiler replacement aside – nor reassurance for new social housing provision.

Nonetheless, public sector construction frameworks are offering some shelter from the risks wrought by recession.

As a construction framework provider for the public sector, 2023 will be a busy year for LHC, with five new frameworks set for launch: Asset Safety and Compliance, Refurbishment and Associated Retrofit Works, Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation, Fire Safety and Supply, and Installation of Aluminium Windows and Doors. The assessment process for the £1.2bn NH3 (Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) of New Homes) framework is also underway, with appointed companies announced in spring.
This makes the prospect of public sector building a more secure prospect of work for this year into 2024.

Why social housing must continue

Our housing stock is ageing; 26 million require retrofit – 4.5 million of which are in social housing.

Building and retrofit must continue in social housing, both to move towards the static 2050 net zero target and protect vulnerable tenants from the rising cost of living.  Doing this cost-effectively will be even more important in the coming 12 months. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt placed a 7% cap on the amount social landlords can increase rents for tenants as part of the Autumn Statement. This offers a tough compromise: while providing some relief for residents at the sharp end of the cost-of-living crisis owing to a benefit cap lift and local housing allowance (LHA) freeze, it means housing associations will feel a tighter squeeze.

On the new social housing front, recent Regulator of Social Housing statistics also show just 31,000 social homes were built from March 2021 to 2022. This is almost five times short of the National Housing Federation’s (NHF)145,000 estimated annual requirement in the next decade to meet the population’s needs.

Many housing associations and local authorities LHC works with are using construction frameworks because the benefits, especially in turbulent times, are clear. By working in this way, they find they are able to build stronger, longer working relationships and contacts, have better supply chain engagement, and more pipeline security.

Framework benefits in tough times

The following factors could also be vital in helping MMC contractors – especially SMEs – weather the impending economic storm.

1. Partnering for shared benefits
The collaborative nature of frameworks allows each company to benefit from one another’s insight and expertise. This in turn develops strong contacts and increases the opportunity of appointment to future projects.
2. Pipeline of work 
The pipeline of work that can come from using a procurement framework creates greater certainty and helps protect jobs for contractors who may be worried about the future. Traditionally operating on four-year cycles, they offer a more predictable calendar of work.
3. Operational efficiency
SMEs are often too stretched to apply for individual construction projects, while larger contractor bid teams can find they are at the beck and call of new tender applications. Being appointed to a framework creates more consistent work opportunities and reduces the frequency of repeat, lengthy procurements.
4. Long-term pricing and cost aggregation
Frameworks enable all parties to explore a project in detail and more accurately consider costs to reach an agreement up front. While there may be negotiation further down the line at each individual project stage, the long-term nature of frameworks and pricing facilitates improved cost aggregation by providing full visibility from day one. This lessens the financial blow of reduced contractor margins in the case of price rises.
5. Better economies of scale
Having awareness of the client’s longer-term pipeline provides opportunities for contractors to plan work more efficiently, improving their resource planning and identifying cost efficiencies – while driving economies of scale.
6. Shared risk
Using a procurement framework also allows contractors to explore potential risks – including rising costs – and agree how the impacts might be managed between them and the client. Without involving contractors before putting out a tender, clients miss the opportunity for potential risks to be identified, scoped and properly priced into a contract, using projections into the four-year framework lifespan.


To speak to a local contact about our public sector construction frameworks



The most important benefit of hybrid off-site construction is that it recaptures some of the flexibility associated with traditional, stick-built construction without giving up the environmental, economic, or quality benefits of off-site construction.

Taking a hybrid approach provides flexibility in a few ways — perhaps most importantly with respect to building design and panel or module fabrication and transportation options.

Hybridized construction enables designers to address this broad range of constraints through a greater number of potential suppliers, which provides more manufacturing and transportation options to meet the architectural and engineering requirements for each project.

There are also advantages to be realized at the building site. Perhaps most importantly, the finishes in the structure’s high-value areas can be completed at the factory and shipped to the site in a weather-proof module. Expensive finish materials for kitchens and bathrooms, for example, can be installed in a manufacturing setting and then protected from damage and moisture, reducing risk and waste for builders and owners.

Integration is the key to successfully designing and constructing a building that will employ multiple off-site construction methods. It is also the biggest challenge. Volumetric modules and panels must connect within strict tolerances for the design to be realized, so it’s critical that all stakeholders work from a shared set of plans.

Vertex Systems created Vertex BD, a building information modeling (BIM) software platform, specifically to handle complex design scenarios of this nature. The platform automates design and manufacturing processes for all the prefabricated components that will be built and shipped to the job site. The software also translates essential project information across all the disciplines involved in producing each module.

Manufacturing data, plans, schedules, and material reports can be automatically created within the platform and shared with contractors and suppliers to ensure tight coordination across the project.

3D visualization tools are immensely important for hybrid projects because they allow designers, owners, and builders to see how the 3D modules and panels will come together and how all the critical connections will be formed. Vertex BD includes powerful 3D visualization tools that allow designers to perfect the design and address any glitches early in the design process.