James Morris, Technology Journalist

UK Power Grid Could Have First Commercial Fusion Reactor By 2030s

Science fiction writers have been touting fusion as the utopian future energy production technology for decades. After all, it is how the sun works, and that has been outputting energy for 4.6 billion years already, with about 5 billion more to go before it burns out. But while research has been going on apace to make nuclear fusion energy production a reality, so far nobody has achieved “net energy”, where more power is produced than is used to create the reaction. Now TAE Technologies reckons it will get there soon – and the first commercial installation could be in the UK.

“We are the longest standing pure play fusion power company,” says R. David Edelman, Chief Policy & Global Affairs Officer, TAE Technologies. “We were founded in 1998 with one goal in mind – to develop the cleanest, most commercially viable form of fusion energy.” TAE Technologies’ approach is to use boron-11 and hydrogen instead of deuterium-tritium (two isotopes of hydrogen), which is the more common fuel for current fusion reactors, because it is the easiest to fuse.

“One of the challenges that our founders identified was how you turn a reaction like that into a commercially viable power source,” says Edelman. “There are a number of advantages associated with boron-11 that don’t exist with some of the other fuels, specifically that the primary fusion reaction doesn’t produce a load of neutrons.” Although fusion in general doesn’t produce as many neutrons as nuclear fission, these are still very dangerous particles for the human body. “When you deal with neutrons, you deal with a device that is harder to manage, that might have to be replaced, that might need to be scrubbed out, that is harder to have people operate.”

This was why TAE Technologies chose hydrogen and boron-11 as fuel. “You’d have a machine that would be expensive to build in the first instance, but much cheaper to operate and could have a much longer life,” says Edelman. However, this kind of fusion reactor requires much higher temperatures than deuterium-tritium. To solve this problem, TAE Technologies was spun out of the University of California in Irvine, founded by Dr Norman Rostoker, with the help of Michl Binderbauer, who is now CEO.

Their insight was to marry traditional plasma physics with particle physics. Particle accelerators are used to drive and sustain the fusion reaction. This also generates a magnetic field, which contains the reaction, in a process called Field Reverse Configuration (FRC). The temperature of fusion means you can’t use any metal as a container – it would melt. Instead, a magnetic bottle is employed. Most fusion reactors employ external magnets. “Getting atoms to fuse is not the hard part,” says Edelman. “We’ve been doing that for decades. The hard part is keeping that reaction efficient enough to produce more energy out than it takes in. When you have a system like ours that produces its own magnetic field, suddenly you have a shortcut to reducing the amount of power you must put into the device to get exceptional output results.”

So far, TAE Technologies has built five experimental reactors, all based in California. The company is currently building an experimental machine that can exceed 100 million degrees, which is what is required for “net energy”. This is where the reactor outputs more energy than is being put in. “Our last device, called Norman after our founder, was able to get to 70 million degrees, so we are 70% of the way towards meeting that milestone,” says Edelman. “It was only built to get to 50 million degrees, but we were able to keep pushing, so we’re very optimistic. We’ve proven many of the core conditions that will allow us to reach that net energy milestone in a few years with our next device, which is called Copernicus.”

A key factor in TAE Technologies’ reactor is that its boron-11 fuel is both abundant and cheap. “It is in sand, it is in seawater,” says Edelman. “It can be extracted with great ease, and you need comparatively little of it for a fusion reaction. In fact, to power a fusion power plant at a typical scale – 350 to 500 megawatts output – you would only need a few hundred grams of boron for a year of operation.” Checking with science suppliers, at the time of writing Sigma-Aldrich will sell you 5g of Boron-11B oxide for $218, so the fusion fuel costs will be insignificant.

“That’s one of the core advantages because other fuels for fusion, like helium-3 and tritium, are hard to get,” says Edelman. “They involve very complex mining in places that are very hard to mine. Hydrogen, the other element in our reactor, is wildly abundant as well. There is no national monopoly on boron. Many countries have abundant supplies of it.” This contrasts with the radioactive uranium material used by nuclear fission reactors, which is concentrated in certain countries, such as Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada, and Russia. It’s also expensive and dangerous. “We’ve estimated that if the whole world were running on boron fusion power plants, we’d have 100,000-plus years of terrestrial supply before we would even begin to look elsewhere.”

This brings us to the role of the UK. Although TAE Technologies has so far built its reactors in California, the company has developed a strong presence in Britain. “We are one of the largest private fusion employers in the UK,” says Edelman. “We have over 200 people based in the West Midlands that are working on what we call our Power Solutions business. These are both the power supplies that help run our fusion machine, but also our efficient power drive trains and other power efficient power storage solutions that are usable right now for electric vehicles, to make them go further on the same battery chemistry and to make them charge faster.”

These are not necessarily direct fusion technologies, but what Edelman calls “fusion adjacent” – production skills that will smooth integration into a commercial ecosystem. The UK expertise TAE Technologies focuses on includes areas like batteries that can be used for utility scale grid storage for intermittent sources such as wind and solar. However, the UK does have strong fusion expertise as well, such as through the Joint European Taurus (JET) in Culham, Oxfordshire and the Spherical Tokomak for Energy Production (STEP) planned for West Burton on Nottinghamshire.

“The professionals in the British system identified early that there was a need for a distinct regime for fusion power plants and that the UK should be the first country in the world to advance it,” says Edelman. “The UK has exceptional talent in this that can lead to cutting edge and world leading fusion commercial work. The United Kingdom has positioned itself at the front of the pack for the world’s first commercial fusion plant.” This includes STEP, which aims for net energy by the 2040s.

The readily available supply chain in the UK drives costs down for companies developing fusion in the country and has intellectual property benefits as well. “There’s a lot of expensive intellectual property that goes into these devices,” says Edelman. “That means that companies like ours aren’t terribly interested in building them in places like China, and instead we’re interested in building them in places where we know there’s not just the necessary expertise, but also the clear rule of law to protect the core intellectual property that we have.”

This has led TAE Technologies to consider the UK for its first commercial “net energy” fusion reactor, supplying electricity to the grid. “We are looking very seriously to the UK for the first fusion power plant because all the factors we need are there to build at a price that it can start to move the needle for energy independence and net zero,” says Edelman. There are implications that this will be in the West Midlands, where TAE’s other UK interests are. But Edelman remains uncommitted about the location. “Our power supply team is in the West Midlands, but there are a lot of factors that would go into the specific siting of a fusion power plant.”

However, Edelman is more bullish about timeframe – and it will be well ahead of STEP. “We expect to have a first-of-its-kind fusion power plant on the grid early next decade,” he says. “We’re not talking 2040, we’re talking 2030, which means we must start building that plant in the latter part of this decade, so we need to have a location decided sometime mid this decade. We can then start to scale that towards mass production power plants that can be put into operation at full scale and start to bring down the cost of energy from fusion in the middle of the 2030s. That would be just in time to make a significant impact on climate because if your first fusion power plant isn’t in operation till 2045, 2050 is just around the corner.”

“Fusion can offer low impact, zero carbon, effectively limitless energy produced through a triumph of science,” concludes Edelman. “It can do this without the drawbacks of most other sources of energy. You can put fusion power plants where the power is consumed. You don’t need to put a fusion power plant offshore, or where it’s sunny all the time, or on top of a deposit of minerals. It can be put safely inside population centers, which can save the 20% of generated electricity that is lost in long distance transmission. Our kind of fusion power plant can be very compact – just a few hectares. It doesn’t need a large exclusion zone and the risks associated with it are no different than those of any industrial facility. Fusion can make up the yawning gap between the energy we know we need by 2050 and the energy that we know can be produced in low and no carbon ways by 2050.” And that gap could start to narrow in the UK sometime next decade.

Source: Forbes

Swegon takes its first step towards using fossil-free steel

This week, Swegon presented its first product made from carbon dioxide-reduced steel – a GOLD RX – at the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt. The manufacture of steel consumes large amounts of both resources and energy. As ventilation units are primarily made of steel, there is considerable potential to reduce the carbon footprint of embodied carbon in production, by replacing traditional steel with steel that has a lower climate footprint.

In January, the first delivery of XCarb® RRP (recycled and renewably produced) Magnelis from thesteel manufacturer ArcelorMittal was received at Swegon’s Kvänum factory, where the companymanufactures ventilation units. According to ArcelorMittal, XCarb® RRP Magnelis has anapproximately 70% lower CO2 footprint than traditionally manufactured steel. XCarb® RRP ismainly produced from recycled steel and uses 100% renewable energy in the manufacturing process.

The first concept air handling unit has now been produced, and the plan is to gradually introducecarbon dioxide-reduced steel into ongoing production, starting during the second quarter of this year.

“We are delighted to now be phasing in carbon dioxide-reduced steel in our large ventilation units.We all have to contribute and reduce our climate footprint, and this transition is enabling us toreduce not only our own, but also our customers’ footprint,” says Robert Siverby, Supply ChainDirector at Swegon Group.

Swegon has, for a long time, focused on sustainability and on reducing the climate footprint in theproduction as well as the use phase of its products. Swegon was among the first in the industry todevelop EPDs (Environmental Product Declaration) for its products, and has a significant amount ofEPDs in its portfolio.

Based on the existing EPD for GOLD RX, size 12, the total Global Warming Potential (GWP) isexpected to be reduced by approximately 20% with the transition to XCarb® RRP Magnelis steel,given that all the steel is replaced. The introduction of XCarb® RRP is a first step in the company’sjourney towards fossil-free steel.



An innovative range of heavy-duty anchors from EJOT UK can deliver important cost and time savings onsite in a wide variety of MMC projects without compromising performance. Paul Papworth, structural anchoring specialist at EJOT UK, explains why.

Foundation design and the method adopted for securely fixing structures or volumetric buildings to them is fundamental to any MMC project. And where the design requires anchoring into concrete or other hard base materials, any Google search will reveal numerous options capable of meeting the performance requirements.  But which factors matter most in the design and specification process and how can best value be achieved?

MMC’s key advantages of installation speed and rapid project delivery, coupled with high quality construction, can be leveraged further with the right anchoring choice. And the one range which has the potential to tick all the boxes, while also enabling significant cost savings, is the LIEBIG Superplus BLS.  One of the world’s most used heavy duty anchors of its kind, Superplus BLS is approved for use in cracked and non-cracked concrete, offering assured high capacity anchoring in a wide variety of applications and conditions. These range from nuclear power plants and industrial sites to facades, structural steelwork, base plates and – of course – offsite construction and MMC.

There are four key reasons why the Superplus BLS represents amongst the best choices for anchoring in MMC.


1. Cost savings – more “kN per £”


The Superplus BLS is the only self-undercutting anchor that, without special tools, creates its own undercut. It works in a slightly different way to all other types of concrete attachment products to deliver game-changing results.  This means the Superplus BLS will provide more ‘kN per £’, with the assurance of ETA and UKTA certified performance but without the price tag usually associated. The product is capable of offering significantly improved tensile performance at 200% that of other heavy duty type anchors, 300% of the performance possible with throughbolts and 250% that of the largest concrete screws.
The is because the anchor comprises several core components or modules that can be sized and assembled to meet the specific needs of an application. This is an immediate cost efficiency benefit, driven by EJOT’s ability to manufacture non-standard sizes in short lead times at a fraction of what it would cost for bespoke sized anchors.

2. Flexibility to adapt to onsite challenges


Superplus BLS is suitable for shallow concrete depths and can be used at closer spacings or closer to the edge of the concrete than is typically possible. Such factors have previously been major hurdles to cost effective anchoring because they usually result in the need for custom-made anchors with lengthy lead times and a cost premium.
These challenges are overcome thanks to the anchor’s relatively small diameter and a design that enables two embedment depths per anchor diameter. This gives far greater flexibility to the designer to enable the embedment depth necessary to satisfy the design criteria, without a need to change baseplate design.

3. Installation simplicity


The role ‘simple installation’ plays in ensuring the project outcomes match the design intent, specification goals and budget is often undervalued.  For example, specifying a highly engineered, premium quality component or system where installation is specialist  in itself, could result in a solution failing to deliver on its promise. And there could be the need for costly remedial work unless it is fitted by a team with specialist knowledge.

Design innovation, therefore, is not only about a product’s performance capability – it should also seek ways to make installation as simple as possible to reduce risk. That is the thinking behind the Superplus BLS.  Its modular design and self-undercutting cone means no special tooling is needed to install it. Costly and complex installation processes have effectively been ‘engineered-out’. The self-undercutting mechanism is also not hole depth dependent, which eliminates the need for another special tool – setting equipment.

4. Application versatility


Whilst there is no one size fits all approach to concrete anchoring, the modular approach of the BLS means it is possible to use a single product for multiple different purposes on the same project.
The key to its versatility is the ability to choose different variants of the core parts of the anchor. The length and diameter of the threaded bolt and the distance sleeve can be sized within a wide range and the head styles can be chosen to suit the specific application requirements.
It all adds up to an application-specific anchoring solution that can be configured in a way that is normally associated only with 100% bespoke anchors, which are notoriously costly in small volumes and incur long lead times.

These four major benefits make the LIEBIG Superplus BLS an ideal choice for MMC as its innovative design mirrors the advances that many offsite and prefabricated products are making in transforming construction. 



To learn more about the range or discuss its use in a future project, please contact EJOT UK on 01977 687040

or CLICK HERE to email EJOT




Ofwat’s Innovation Fund launches £4m open competition to reward innovators working in the construction industry with bold solutions for the water sector

  • Ofwat today launches the Water Discovery Challenge, a new £4m competition for innovators outside of the water sector with bold ideas that can help solve some of its biggest challenges.
  • Ofwat is calling on innovators working in the construction industry to apply their ingenuity and skills to deliver breakthrough solutions to be used by the water sector.
  • Water companies provide drinking water and sewage services to over 50 million households in England and Wales, with a sewage network that could wrap around the world 13 times – yet the sector faces significant challenges due to increasing demand and climate change.
  • The Water Discovery Challenge, the latest competition from Ofwat’s £200 million Innovation Fund, will fund innovation from sectors meeting similar challenges.

Today, England and Wales’ water regulator Ofwat launches the Water Discovery Challenge, a £4m competition for innovators working in the construction industry with bold and ingenious ideas that can solve the biggest challenges facing the water sector today and in the future.

The competition is the latest from Ofwat’s £200 million Innovation Fund, which seeks to generate new ideas to tackle issues including managing leaks, preventing pollution, improving water efficiency, reducing emissions, boosting flood and drought resilience, prioritising sustainable practices, and supporting vulnerable customers.

Where previous Ofwat Innovation Fund competitions have focused on innovations from, and led by, those within the sector, the new Water Discovery Challenge is incentivising ideas from, and led by, those outside of the water sector – including in construction.

It is seeking solutions from industries dealing with similar challenges to those faced by the water sector, or implementing solutions that could benefit water and wastewater services in England and Wales – with no requirement for entrants to partner with a water company. The goal is to open the sector to new ground-breaking insights and thinking that benefit consumers and the environment.

Up to 20 teams of the most promising innovators will be awarded up to £50,000 to develop their ideas, with expert support and mentoring from water companies. Up to 10 will go on to win up to £450,000 to turn ideas into pilots.


David Black, Chief Executive of Ofwat said: “It’s no secret that the water sector has faced challenges in the last year. As a regulator we’re constantly pushing the sector to overcome these. Water affects everyone, and it’s time we see what the water sector can learn from astronauts, farmers, data specialists, architects and planners. This is about preparing the water sector for the future, and I look forward to the ideas that come out of it.”


John Russell, Senior Director at Ofwat, said: “Our £200m Innovation Fund has already supported projects that detect and fix leaks, capture carbon emissions from water processing plants to convert them into fuel, and remove fertilisers from waterways to be re-used in our food system. Now, we’re broadening the opportunity to innovators in any industry that can make a difference to improving the water system for all of us.”


Ofwat is looking for bold and innovative entrants from outside the water sector. It has identified five sectors where it believes there is particularly high potential for innovative crossovers: construction, energy, cities and transport, agriculture and farming, and digital, data and internet of things.

To deliver the competition, Ofwat is working with innovation prize experts Challenge Works, alongside global engineering, sustainability and water sector experts Arup, and Isle Utilities. In addition to financial incentives, successful teams will benefit from expert mentoring and capacity-building support, including access to insights and mentoring from water companies and support for scaling solutions for the extensive water network in England and Wales.


Holly Jamieson, Director at Challenge Works, said: “Our experience of nurturing and rewarding innovators across multiple challenge prizes has shown us that it is often the least likely suspects that can provide the solution with the greatest impact. And with the support of Arup and Isle Utilities, we can work closely with innovators from outside the water sector to turn great ideas into real-world solutions.”


Previous examples of Ofwat Innovation Fund winners that showcase the value of cross-sector collaboration with the construction sector include:

  • Enabling Water Smart Communities Designing new housing and urban environments to absorb excess water like a sponge during heavy rain events and cope with sustained drought by recycling “greywater”.
  • Designer Liner – Aiming to line older pipes from the inside to prevent leaks and increase the lifespan of mains pipes.
  • Community-Centric Rainwater Management Asking communities to test new water butts called Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) that will help manage the flow of rainwater and reduce risk of flooding in paved urban areas.

The Water Discovery Challenge is open to entries from today at 1200 (GMT)

and closes on 5 April 2023.

To find out more about the competition and enter,

visit waterinnovation.challenges.org


In just one day, timber frame and modular construction specialist, SO Modular, has installed the first block of apartments on phase two of Tai Tarian’s state-of-the-art project to build 55 new homes, and refurbish 72 existing flats, in Sandfields, Aberavon.

The scheme will eventually provide 127 carbon-neutral homes for social housing provider, Tai Tarian, delivered across three phases, over three years.

SO Modular is working alongside J.G. Hale Construction to deliver the project on behalf of Tai Tarian, utilising modern methods of construction (MMC), including construction of the homes off-site at SO Modular’s factory in Neath.

The development, which began in October 2021, has just commenced phase two. This phase started with the installation of the site’s only panelised block, consisting of 20 homes in a fully insulated closed panelised system, with windows and doors fitted offsite. It will also include the retrofitting of two blocks of flats and six new volumetric homes.

The use of SO Modular’s timber volumetric construction system has enabled the three-story block to be erected in just one day. In total, the scheme will eventually see 44 homes made from 90 modular pods.

The project is funded by the Innovative Housing Programme (IHP) – a Welsh Government programme to encourage and test innovative approaches to constructing social and affordable housing in Wales.

It will achieve carbon neutrality via a range of in-house green and sustainable initiatives, as well as the low-carbon manufacture of the homes and the fuel-saving speed with which the buildings are being completed.


Andrew Carey, Director of Assets, Tai Tarian, said: “The modular approach taken is innovative and the first of its kind for a social housing provider in this area. It will make use of natural, eco-friendly forms of insulation that includes Welsh sheep’s wool from a local farm, mycelium – the vegetative filament root structure of mushrooms, and a wood-fibre insulation developed in-house at SO Modular’s manufacturing facility. We’re very proud to have partnered with them on this landmark project helping us realise our sustainability ambitions.”


The pioneering construction methods, developed by SO Modular on the scheme, are providing a pilot study for the viability of their use in the wider construction industry.

As well as reducing the building project’s overall carbon footprint, the use of green materials and technologies also aims to reduce fuel poverty for the development’s tenants, by ensuring all homes are built with the top EPC rating of A.

SO Modular is recognised for being dedicated to innovative, eco-friendly design, quality materials and finishes, and sustainable building practices. The company is committed to using local sub-contractors and suppliers, with all suppliers and sub-contractors for the Sandfields project sourced from within Wales, with 95% residing within the Neath and Swansea areas.


Charlotte Hale, Operations Director, SO Modular, said: “We’re very proud to be working on this project for social housing provider Tai Tarian in Sandfields, Aberavon. As can be seen from the start of the project, the use of our modular and panelised construction techniques is highly efficient. This means that the entire frame for the dwellings can be erected very quickly – leading to far less fuel usage on-site and reducing the project’s overall carbon footprint. Along with the ground-breaking, eco-friendly insulation materials we are using, this will hopefully set the standard for similar, future developments across the UK and around the globe.”

“As a company, SO Modular has a firm commitment to using local sub-contractors and training local people. This will, undoubtedly, improve the skills, knowledge, and opportunities for those in the Swansea and Neath areas, ultimately making the region the go-to place for expertise on these new sustainable materials and methods.”

Source: Swansea Bay News

Mark Fox, Operations Director and Paul Cunniffe 


Offsite modular manufacturer, M-AR, has strengthened its leadership team by promoting Paul Cunniffe and Mark Fox to sit on the board as directors, signalling the company’s intention to continue its successful journey as part of an ambitious five-year growth plan.

Paul and Mark have both built their experience in a variety of roles at M-AR over the last few years, during which time the company has grown and evolved and a rapid pace. Together with the other board members, Paul and Mark will help to shape the future of M-AR as it continues its projected growth over the next five years with a focus on serving the residential, education and commercial sectors.

Paul Cunniffe, M-AR’s new preconstruction director, is responsible for overseeing all projects prior to works starting on site, seeing them successfully through the tender process and on to site. He will act as custodian of this process, smoothing the way and making sure clients are kept informed throughout while continuing to build the foundations to support M-AR’s future growth trajectory.

In his previous role of preconstruction manager at M-AR, he steered the department as it grew, taking on several dedicated bid teams. This, together with his extensive experience in the traditional contracting sector, puts Paul in an excellent position to lead the preconstruction team as M-AR continues to grow and develop. His focus will be on creating robust new roadmaps for M-AR to make sure it can continue to deliver the same great service as it scales up operations, without losing sight of what makes M-AR unique.

Mark Fox, having recently been appointed to the role of operations director, is responsible for all operations both in the factory and on site with a major focus on quality and safety – a vital role for M-AR which describes itself as a contractor with a factory. Mark is well-versed in the particular issues affecting the MMC sector and his attention to detail will be invaluable as he keeps projects running to schedule and budget while making sure that any challenges are dealt with swiftly.

In the two and a half years Mark has been at M-AR, where he was head of operations and most recently manufacturing director, he has overseen the move to its new larger factory to meet increased demand. He’s also implemented new procedures which ensure that the factory is always operating at maximum efficiency, manufacturing high quality modules and therefore minimising snagging on site post completion.


Ryan Geldard, director at M-AR said: “We pride ourselves on being a forward-looking, innovative and dynamic company. The fact that our board of directors all share the same passion for the fantastic work we do for our clients helps us to constantly look at different ways of working to get the best possible outcome for our clients. I’m proud to have Paul and Mark on the board – they’re both key assets and great people.”


For more information call 01482 635 08, email buildingrelationships@m-ar.co.uk or visit www.m-ar.co.uk


Applications open for new £1.2bn framework for Modern Methods of Construction of public sector homes

Specialist contractors can now apply to join a new £1.2bn framework to deliver offsite- constructed homes that will provide thousands of homes to benefit communities across the UK.


The new NH3 (Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) of New Homes) framework from public sector construction framework provider LHC will operate across England, Scotland and Wales, delivered through LHC London and South East (LSE),  Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA), South West Procurement Alliance (SWPA), Consortium Procurement Construction (CPC) and Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA).


The framework, which replaces NH2, will address some of the new housing challenges within the public sector at a time of high demand and increasing emphasis on the need for sustainable methods of construction and a greater supply of housing stock that is environmentally fit for the future.


Aiding the construction of a range of different housing types, NH3 covers low-rise and medium/high-rise dwellings through to specialist accommodation such as care homes. It will support public sector procurers to increase the use of modern methods of construction in their contracts and help to deliver low and net zero carbon homes with high levels of pre-manufactured value.


The framework will also create the opportunity for procurement teams to access a wider range of MMC solutions and suppliers, encouraging greater collaboration between suppliers and clients.


Dean Fazackerley, head of technical procurement at LHC, said:


“The NH3 framework will build on the success of NH2, which has so far enabled £93.5m-worth of projects with a total forecast value of £277m. It has contributed to the number of low-carbon, modern apartments and homes for housing associations and local authorities across the country, using modern methods of construction and offsite techniques to produce cheaper-to-heat homes for the communities they serve.”


Developments so far procured or delivered through NH2 include 400 units, currently being built across a four-year period by modular offsite construction specialists Rollalong, for Magna Housing Association and Wiltshire Council in the South West. In the London Borough of Bromley, the framework has also been used to deliver 25 one and two bedroom affordable apartments, as part of the ‘Bromley Homes for Bromley People’ programme. Among the environmental features incorporated in the build from Module-AR are PV panels and herb gardens.


Finally, NH2 has also delivered the award-winning Hope Rise scheme in Bristol, where 11 affordable, low-carbon apartments from Zed PODS have been installed as permanent living spaces for young workers and vulnerable households.


Dean Fazackerley added:


“NH3 will initially cover a range of MMC categories and features four distinct workstreams we hope will encourage both manufacturers and those that can deliver main contractor services for MMC to apply. We also hope SMEs will apply and take advantage of the opportunities available to them through this new framework.”


The four workstreams covered by the NH3 framework are:


  • Workstream 1 – Three-dimensional (3d) modular systems – category 1
  • Workstream 2 – Two-dimensional (2d) panelised systems – category 2
  • Workstream 3 – Main contractors delivering MMC solutions
  • Workstream 4 – Groundworks and site preparation for MMC housing projects

The deadline for applications to join the framework is 14 October 2022


A new, lightweight, ‘score & snap’ tile backer board has been launched by construction materials supplier Euroform.  Named ‘Easyboard®’, the fibre cement board is designed for use in areas of high moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms, and has secured an A1 non-combustible rating.


Easyboard®‘s ‘score & snap’ nature is an innovative development for a tile backer board – it is scored easily with a traditional utility knife and snapped to size without the use of specialist cutting equipment.  In addition, its relative lightweight (approx. 13 Kg per 800mm x 1200mm sheet) means that it can be lifted and fitted by a single installer or DIY user.



Easyboard® has been classified A1 “non-combustible” according to (BS) EN 13501-1.


Manufacture is via a unique process, combining Ordinary Portland Cement with a reinforcing matrix, that enhances workability and handling over traditional fibre cement boards.


Available in 12.5mm thickness Easyboard® is inorganic, making it very dimensionally stable compared with traditional wood-based boards.


Commenting on the new product, Mark Atkinson, Euroform’s national commercial manager, said, “Easyboard® is lightweight and a handy size for a single person to install.  Its workability, with its ease of cutting, is a significant improvement over traditional tile backer boards.  Competitive pricing is also going to make it an attractive new alternative.”


Easyboard® is only available from Euroform.

CLICK BELOW to view a video which deonstrates the the ease with which Easyboard®

can be cut via the ‘score & snap’ method

Euroform recommends Easyboard® is installed in brick bond fashion with a flexible adhesive used when placing tiles.  It can be used as a wall tile or floor tile substrate.


CLICK HERE For technical data visit





Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is increasingly recognised as a key solution to solving the UK’s housing crisis. Clive Feeney, LHC’s Interim Group Director, explains why.

In recent years MMC has carved a place in government policy, with Homes England placing it at the forefront of future housing development.
Dwellings built using these methods have great powers to expedite the levelling up agenda, thanks to speedy construction, use of low carbon building materials and methods, and the energy efficient, cheaper-to-heat homes produced.
The Homes England Affordable Homes programme mandates that 25% of new homes will be constructed using MMC, while the MMC taskforce, set up in early 2021, was allocated £10m funding to accelerate the adoption of offsite methods. This recognition of the value of MMC in homebuilding projects, coupled with investment to accelerate the adoption of offsite methods, is extremely welcome.

Fulfilling demand

Quality housing should be attainable for all UK citizens. But with more than one million people on social housing waiting lists, it is more important than ever to speed up the delivery of new homes to meet this demand.
A major benefit of using MMC is that not only is it possible to create better quality homes for people, but to build them more quickly than would be possible using traditional construction methods.
As is well-known, MMC-built homes are assembled in factory environments, allowing for more rigorous quality control. They are more energy efficient than traditional brick builds, with better insulation and designs created with sustainability and efficiency integral to them. Not only is this good for the environment and vital to helping us all reduce carbon emissions, but it is also significant in managing household utility spending – a crucial element in levelling up and in lessening the blow of rocketing energy bills.
One of the barriers to MMC being used in greater numbers has so far been the inability to scale up developments. But there may now be the catalyst, thanks to increasing routes to procure MMC through construction frameworks, together with July’s announcement from 2021-formed trade body, Make Modular, that it could reach 15,000 homes a year by 2024. This is in part due to a £500m investment in factory facilities since 2016 from its members, which include Ilke Homes, TopHat, Laing O’Rourke and Legal & General Modular Homes.

Reluctance to adopt

One of the key stumbling blocks is a hesitancy on the part of the social housing sector to adopt MMC until it becomes a tried and tested approach. Many registered providers would rather let the big commercial players make the mistakes from which smaller providers can learn, but can’t afford to make. This is an understandable but unfortunate impediment to progress which will no doubt be overcome in time as evidence of its benefits becomes clearer and it is recognised as a safe, progressive and cost-effective approach to housebuilding.
There is also an educational component to encouraging the adoption of MMC as standard. Requiring a significant shift in the way our homes are designed, procured and delivered, MMC is arguably the single biggest change to housing construction in many decades. The case is clear, but there’s much work to do to improve confidence in the sector and begin to see a wholehearted acceptance of MMC as the norm.

A brighter future

LHC has already supported the creation of more than 5,300 MMC-built social homes and with extra support provided by government, it is likely we will see more widespread uptake for the delivery of affordable homes built using MMC in the short term.
What will certainly help to drive the use of MMC is an aggregation of projects from housing providers across the country to allow greater standardisation in the supply chain. This means delivery can be quicker and cheaper, while facilitating the production of buildings of a higher quality.
At LHC we have already started on this journey and are connecting social housing providers across the UK and encouraging a constructive culture of collaboration. We are focused on identifying areas in which providers can aggregate and seek to approach their projects using MMC together, while sharing the burden of risk.
This approach has the potential to help scale the MMC market more quickly, enabling us to help UK residents reap the many benefits that a comfortable, safe home brings. It is also a vital ingredient in supporting the government’s levelling up agenda and addressing the inequality that has long surrounded our housing sector.




Article by Clive Feeney,

Interim Group Director at LHC Group






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