In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the impact of embodied carbon in all areas of construction, with the Environment Audit Committee calling for the Government to introduce mandatory whole life carbon assessments for all buildings¹.

Whilst addressing this area will be key to achieving the country’s Net Zero ambitions, it is important that project teams understand the relationship between embodied and operational carbon emissions. In some cases, changes to specifications designed to reduce embodied carbon emissions, can notably increase operational emissions. This is especially true when it comes to insulation for building fabric and services. New calculation tools are now available which can help specifiers to balance these objectives and achieve an optimal outcome.

Understanding Insulation Emissions

Phenolic pipe insulation products are a popular solution for both on- and offsite building services specifications. A key reason for this is their thermal conductivity, which can be as low as 0.025 W/mK. The lower this value is, the more effective the insulation is at preventing heat transfer. This means building services are able to perform more efficiently (with lower operational carbon emissions) at a given thickness of insulation when compared with insulation materials with higher thermal conductivities, such as mineral fibre.  As with all insulation materials, when specifying phenolic pipe insulation, it is possible to further reduce heat transfer by using greater thicknesses of insulation. However, this will also raise the embodied impact of the product as greater quantities of raw materials must be used, produced and transported to insulate a given length of pipework.
It is important to have a clear understanding of this trade off in order to minimise a building’s overall carbon emissions. In the case of pipe insulation, properly installed measures will deliver operational carbon savings across a building’s lifespan. This means that whilst increases in insulation thickness will marginally raise embodied carbon emissions, the savings in operational carbon emissions will typically be much greater.

Carbon Calculator

To support project teams, the Kingspan Kooltherm Pipe Insulation Carbon Calculator tool has now been launched.  The tool is designed to be quick and easy to use, helping
specifiers to gain a better understanding of operational and embodied carbon emissions, along with the payback period for the specified insulation.
Users need to enter a few project conditions, such as energy price and operational hours, along with factors specific to the system design including pipe lengths, diameters and materials, and system operational temperatures. The calculator will then generate results for different pipe insulation thicknesses based on the following key industry standards:

BS 5422 – this sets out minimum insulation thicknesses for a range of systems and scenarios;
Energy Technology List (ETL) – this provides enhanced pipe insulation specifications designed to raise system performance;
CIBSE CP1 Heat Networks – Code of Practice  – this includes recommended thicknesses for internal building pipework used as part of heat networks.


There is also an option to input your own custom thicknesses of Kingspan Kooltherm Pipe Insulation to see how these may impact results.
The tool provides a range of outputs in clear graphs. The embodied carbon of the relevant size and thickness of insulation will be calculated, and this will be combined with the carbon associated with the lost heat over a specified period of time.
You will also receive the results for system heat loss on an annual basis, the costs associated with these losses along with the expected capital cost of the insulation product (not including installation, pipework or other fittings).
As shown below, the graphs are designed to allow different specifications based on the three industry standards, or those from custom pipe insulation thicknesses, to be easily compared. This can help to understand the time it will take for the additional capital cost and embodied carbon from enhanced specifications to be offset by the reduction in the carbon from lost heat and associated costs. These results can then be generated into a project specific report.


If you would like more information on our new tool and how it can help your project,


Kingspan Technical Insulation’s team





Arcadis, the leading design and consultancy organization for natural and built assets, welcomes proposals set out in “The 2023-24 Budget”, to support people in need and sustain the impetus to economic recovery through high-quality development.

Responding, Francis Au, Greater China Growth Director said:


“Arcadis welcomes the Government budget measures, with clear direction and specific goals for the development of Northern Metropolis and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands. We are pleased the HKSAR Government is supporting the extensive application of advanced technologies in Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to improve certainty on budget, quality and delivery time of projects.”


Develop Northern Metropolis and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands

The Northern Metropolis is an important base for promoting the development of livable spaces and supporting the Innovation and Technology industries, thereby facilitating high-quality economic co-operation between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. In parallel, the Budget also outlined preliminary proposals on the scope of reclamation, land use, transport infrastructure networks and financial arrangements regarding the Kau Yi Chau artificial islands. Arcadis embraces the multi-pronged approach by HKSAR Government, which will compress major projects time by half, from more than 10 years in the previous plan. Hence, more land resources will be released for public and private developments to improve quality of life for Hong Kong citizens.

Application of Innovation and Technology in the Construction Industry

Arcadis has developed an advanced forecasting model to predict Hong Kong construction manpower in the coming five years. The model suggests there will be a shortage of around 40,000 skilled workers and 15,000 professionals, supervisors, and technicians. Enhancing training and recruitment while driving the adoption of advanced construction methods and new technologies should be prioritized to increase capacity. We are delighted the Government addressed these issues and planned HKD $75 million for conducting studies on establishing the Building Testing and Research Institute, constructing an advanced construction industry building, and strengthening the supply chain for Modular Integrated Construction (MiC).

Francis Au added:


“By capitalizing on both our local and global expertise, we see opportunities to devise new standards, conduct testing and provide accreditation and related products to align with those in the international and China markets.

“In addition, innovative ideas for implementing large-scale infrastructure projects can deliver benefits on time and on budget. We should consider partnerships between customers, consultants, contractors and suppliers, such as early contractor and supplier involvement, as well as revenue sharing mechanisms in procurement strategies.”

Source: Cision

Luxury bespoke homes are those that stand out from the crowd – a place that is truly unique and the team behind Agilitee have made their name in providing impressive houses on the market.

However, from the outside you would not be aware that the buildings all have something in common – they were built using Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF).

Unlike many firms, project management-led construction company Agilitee specialises in using insulated concrete formwork, which uses a polystyrene formwork system to create highly insulated concrete houses.

“The decision to focus on this way of working was made because it is likely to form the beating heart of the construction industry in years to come,” said managing director Chum Narayan.

The company, which has a large portfolio of builds from residential to commercial, is keen to hear from architects, building designers, developers and builders who are interested in working with them and using this product.

“If you want your next project to be built to the highest standard with sustainability and energy efficiencies in mind then reach out to the team today.”

Working across the South of England, the Agilitee team specialises in a project-led approach, involved throughout the development ensuring the client gets what they want.

The company was named Homebuilder of the Year 2022 – South England in BUILD’s Homebuilder Awards 2022 – which highlights the best of the best within the homebuilding industry.

What makes ICF so special?

Widely used in Europe and North America, the modern construction method – integrating insulation materials like polystyrene, into the concrete formwork – is relatively new to the UK.


Energy efficient

Constructing using ICF ensures an airtight envelope and reduces the amount of energy required by up to 70 per cent compared to traditional methods creating much more sustainable longer-lasting buildings.

They are more energy efficient, thereby reducing ongoing costs of heating and cooling. It also helps reduce moisture and mould because of the airtightness of the system.

Those working or living in the properties will also have a more comfortable experience as it increases acoustic insulation, keeping out unwanted noise.

Agilitee has experience with many brands of ICF but prefers to use JACKON by BEWI. Mr Narayan said it was due to its strength, insulation quality, cost and cost-effectiveness. “We are finding that ICF has become the future of construction due to its many advantages,” he said.


Quicker builds

It is easier and quicker to build using ICF, as it saves steps in both the exterior and interior construction process. This could cut several months off construction time.

Rather than framing walls with studs, they are created using insulated concrete blocks that go together more like Lego. Being light and flexible it also lends itself to most styles of property design.

“Building regulations are on a path of improvement with the main goal of becoming ‘Future Homes Ready 2025’,” said Mr Narayan. “Building using ‘Jackon ICF’ enables Agilitee to reach and surpass these targets today.”


About Agilitee

Established in 2013 by Mr Narayan, the company has been involved in traditional, modern and luxury homes and is a member of the Federation of Master Builders – the UK’s largest trade association.

Its approach to business focuses on continuous improvement and innovation and it works hard to ensure the latest construction techniques, products and materials are applied to its projects in the most practical, efficient and commercial manner.

The team’s other specialism is in basements, with the firm providing the perfect solutions to ensure that these valuable spaces are as safe and secure as possible.

The team has become certified installers of waterproofing systems such as Triton, Delta and Sika as well as an experienced installer of cast concrete flooring systems.

“This commitment to growth in terms of what the team offers has been vital to securing success over the last few years,” said Mr Narayan.

“It’s a unique combination of skill, experience and commitment that forms the heart of what the Agilitee team is able to offer their clients.”


CLICK HERE To find out more about Agilitee and to get in contact with the team


Source: Kent Live

Rothoblaas solutions for prefabrication

In the world of timber construction, the ability to preassemble part of the construction elements facilitates construction site work both in terms of speed and in terms of waste management; as a result, it improves the operators’ quality of life.
The choice of a supplier, therefore, will be based primarily on the availability of materials suitable for pre-fitting.
Rothoblaas membranes, along with other sealing and insulating products, are not specifically designed to be preassembled, but being useful in a prefabrication context is their inherent characteristic.

Rothoblaas self-adhesive membranes

The advantages of high-performance adhesives and application contexts Installing a self-adhesive membrane is simple and intuitive, but the application context and the adhesive’s performance, can make all the difference. Consider the need to waterproof Mass Timber panels that will form the framework of a timber building. The application context of the membrane makes all the difference.

Application in a manufacturing plant

Having a horizontal panel available within a manufacturing plant offers a range of advantages that the construction site does not have:

  • The panels are clean and free of “construction site” dust
  • Consequently, membrane adhesion will be better and stable
  • “Horizontal” application is much faster than vertical application where the panel is already positioned to be part of the building structure
  • The application space will be significantly clearer of obstructions than on the building site
  • The panel is delivered ready to use and protected from weathering
  • Operators doing the pre-fitting have greater comfort
  • They are protected from dust, rain and wind

Why a self-adhesive product

In addition to speeding up the application and adhesion of the membrane to the panel, the high-performance adhesive will avoid the typical problems of transportation to the construction site.
Pre-fitted non-self-adhesive products do not guarantee the same performance as products that are so. Consider a non-adhesive membrane that is fitted to a CLT panel before it arrives at the construction site: mechanical fastening with staples is not as fast as adhesive fastening and will result in numerous micro-slits that must be repaired with sealant tape.
A mechanically fastened membrane may have problems detaching from the staple due to air friction both during transport and while on the construction site.
A further competitive advantage of adhesive products is that they maintain a certain degree of waterproofing despite accidental tears or in cases where it is necessary to puncture them.
Let’s consider a membrane pre-fitted on a CLT panel. To transport the building element to the construction site, it is necessary to insert lifting hooks and then drill at least two holes.
For a self-adhesive membrane, infiltrations of water or moisture will not affect the performance of the CLT because the problem will remain confined to the perforated surface. In contrast, the risk of damage for a panel with a non-adhesive membrane is higher.

The steps of installing a Rothoblaas self-adhesive membrane

Unrolling, gluing edges toward the centre, adhering by roller pressure.  Their ease of application gives a huge advantage to these types of products already designed to be high-performing.
Rothoblaas’ main self-adhesive membranes are: TRASPIR ADHESIVE 260, BARRIER NET ADHESIVE 200, VAPOR ADHESIVE 260. Using high-performance adhesives, they are all suitable for application to rough surfaces while maintaining the functions for which they were designed.
Specifically, BARRIER NET ADHESIVE vapour barrier features a reinforcing grid that provides very high mechanical strength and reduces the risk of slipping. Since it is transparent, it is especially ideal for protecting buildings with exposed timber façades.

Learn more

Rothoblaas membranes consist of several layers. They are always comprised of a functional film that ensures perfect waterproofing and airtightness and one or more reinforcing layers that provide protection for the functional film. This structured composition increases the mechanical performance and abrasion resistance of all our membranes. With the aim of supporting modular and prefabricated construction, Rothoblaas is expanding its range of membranes, sealants and self-adhesive tapes.

CLICK HERE for further information and contexts of use for Rothoblaas’ self-adhesive membranes



British start-up’s ‘Peak XV’ tunnel demonstrates the potential of a radical new construction method to transform urban planning – by building underground infrastructure faster, more affordably and more sustainably than current techniques.

hyperTunnel, the British technology company innovating underground construction, has revealed the world’s first entirely robot-constructed underground structure, built at its R&D facility in the North Hampshire Downs.

hyperTunnel’s completely new automated construction method is designed to build tunnels more than 10 times faster and at half the cost of conventional methods. The approach is significantly friendlier to the environment and will use sustainable materials such as low-carbon concrete. Without any human needing to enter the structure during construction, the hyperTunnel method could transform safety in the tunnelling industry.

Using swarm construction methods according to a digital twin of the tunnel, a fleet of ‘hyperBot’ robots enters the ground via an arch of HDPE pipes. Once inside, the robots 3D-print the tunnel shell by deploying construction material directly into the ground. The 6 metre-long, 2 metre-high and 2 metre-wide Peak XV ‘pedestrian-scale’ tunnel has been delivered as part of a project for Network Rail and revealed at the British Tunnelling Society Conference & Exhibition in London (October 11th & 12th).

The Network Rail project has been demonstrating the hyperTunnel process, investigating the technologies that are key to low-disruption tunnel repairs for the UK’s regional railway infrastructure, which includes approximately 650 Victorian age tunnels.

David Castlo, Network Technical Head (Mining and Tunnels) at Network Rail, said: “Our large portfolio of Victorian tunnels requires increasing levels of work to meet the needs of the railway network. However, we want to reduce the level of disruption to our passengers so we are constantly searching for new approaches to enlarging or repairing tunnels that reduce the length of time a tunnel will be closed to trains. Peak XV moves us a step closer to that goal and, crucially, with a method that reduces workforce safety risk.”

Steve Jordan, co-CEO and co-Founder of hyperTunnel, said: “To unveil our first large scale demonstration tunnel is a big step, not only for hyperTunnel, but for the tunnelling and construction industries which are eagerly anticipating the readiness of our approach to use, as appropriate, in their global projects. While using robots exclusively to build underground structures is dramatically different, the contributing technologies, such as digital twins, robotics, 3D printing and digital underground surveying, supported by AI and VR, are all well-proven in other industries. In fact, the hyperTunnel in-situ method is all about de-risking construction projects.”

Earlier this year, hyperTunnel received funding of 1.88 million Euros from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator scheme, Europe’s flagship innovation programme. The company also received a financial investment from VINCI, a global leader in concessions, energy and construction businesses.

National Highways becomes first to use Aggregate Industries’ new biogenic asphalt on A590 Cross-A-Moor scheme



The UK’s first commercially available biogenic asphalt has been contracted on a National Highways scheme in Ulverston, Cumbria, as the national road network body seeks to reduce carbon on its projects.


To date more than 1,170 tonnes of Aggregate Industries’ SuperLow-Carbon asphalt has already been used in the base and binder elements of the A590 project, which includes the construction of a new roundabout, as well as brand new link roads, to connect into the existing local road network.


Ensuring its road scheme demonstrates sustainable credentials to support National Highways’ plan to achieve net zero by 2030, SuperLow-Carbon was selected for both its innovative carbon-saving technology, as well as its speed of construction – a vital aspect to ensure minimal disruption to local traffic.


SuperLow uses Shell’s Low Carbon Bitumen in a unique formula that utilises improved production processes and alternative energy sources to lower its embodied carbon footprint. It includes a biogenic material that effectively locks CO2 within the asphalt rather than releasing it back into the atmosphere.


The low-carbon product is a warm-mix asphalt, which means it requires lower energy to produce than its hot-mix equivalent without compromising on performance, whilst also reducing nuisance fuming, odour and steam providing better working conditions for operatives.


In addition, lower asphalt temperatures during production reduces binder ageing, while the product remains highly compactable for longer – allowing more time for full compaction, delivering enhanced performance and durability, and ultimately life-expectancy. It also reaches trafficking temperatures much quicker than hot mix products, allowing for earlier reopening of carriageways to the travelling public, resulting in less disruption and reduced build costs.


Neil Leake, National Technical Manager at Aggregate Industries, said: “We were delighted that National Highways selected SuperLow-Carbon for its A590 Cross-A-Moor project – marking the first installation of this product since it launched earlier this year.

“National Highways has a clear agenda to reduce carbon on all its schemes, and Aggregate Industries consistently provides new low-carbon solutions, enabling us to reduce carbon for our clients and the industry. SuperLow really is the next generation of asphalt and sustainable paving products, and we can’t wait to see it contracted on many more projects in the future.”


Stephan Mason at National Highways adds: “Having worked with Aggregate Industries on several projects in the past, we know they are always able to deliver on innovative, sustainable products and unrivalled customer service. This project in Ulverston is in a stunning, green part of the country, and thus a low-carbon asphalt solution was obvious for the scheme.

“SuperLow-Carbon demonstrates great innovation, with a low-carbon binder successfully delivering a CO2 reduction in the base elements of the scheme. We look forward to working with Aggregate Industries again in the future, as they continue to lead the way in sustainable applications and supporting National Highways as it accelerates towards its net zero target.”


For more information on SuperLow-Carbon and on Aggregate Industries, visit

The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) has opened up an engagement process for suppliers to create modular skid mounted assemblies for its Hydrogen-3 Advanced Technology (H3AT) fusion energy facility.

The UKAEA’s notice says it is looking to engage with contractors, SMEs, fabricators and assemblers for the fabrication, assembly and testing of five to 10 modular skid mounted assemblies. These assemblies will make up a number of sub-systems that will form the Tritium Plant at the UKAEA’s under-construction H3AT facility at its Culham site.

The contract is valued at £8.75M. The scope and quantity is to be confirmed at the invitation to tender and is subject to preliminary and detailed engineering design phases.

The units will comprise equipment, valves, instrumentation and interconnecting pipework mounted into containment skids. These skids will be required to accommodate equipment and piping in various sizes, approximate footprints of 0.5×0.5m up to 2.8×1.5m and heights 0.5-2.1m (to be confirmed).

Through this process the UKAEA is looking to open engagement with suppliers with the aim of ensuring there is sufficient production capability and capacity to meet the project’s timeline and design requirements. Following the engagement exercise, the UKAEA will issue tenders to procure services for design and provision of equipment through competitively tendered contracts.

UKAEA head of H3AT Damian Brennan said: “The skid manufacturer will bring all components of the H3AT sub system together.  It is a really significant step in the delivery of the H3AT plant.”

The H3AT facility will provide access to scientists and researchers to inform tritium processes for future fusion programmes.

In April last year, Atkins was appointed by the UKAEA to help design the centre, which will contribute to the ITER, DEMO power plant and Step facility.

It will also allow academic and industrial users to research how to process, store and recycle tritium.

Atkins – supported by supply chain partners including Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Ansaldo Nuclear, and FlexProcess – will deliver the preliminary and detailed design of the H3AT tritium recycling loop, comprising storage beds, a distribution system, impurity processing system, and systems to detritiate water and air.

Designed to facilitate the handling, testing and validation of tritium, the loop will allow a range of tests and experiments to be carried out safely and efficiently.

Source: New Civil Engineer

Saudi Arabia has announced plans for the establishment of Oxagon, which would be the world’s largest floating city when completed.


Comprising a large area in the southwest corner of Neom (a planned cross-border city in the Tabuk Province of northwestern Saudi Arabia), the urban environment is centered around an integrated port and logistics hub that will house the majority of the city’s anticipated residents.

According to press information, the octagonal design minimises impact on the environment and provides optimal land usage, with the remainder open to preserve 95% of the natural environment. A defining feature of the city is the world’s largest floating structure, which will become a center for Neom’s Blue Economy.

Located on the Red Sea close to the Suez Canal, Oxagon will be a technologically advanced logistics hubs with state-of-the-art integrated port and airport connectivity. The new city will establish the world’s first fully integrated port and supply chain ecosystem.

At Oxagon’s core will be the adoption of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), AI, and robotics, all of which are coupled to a network of fully automated distribution centers and autonomous last-mile delivery assets to drive a seamless supply chain.

His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Chairman of the Neom Company Board of Directors, said, “Oxagon, will contribute to redefining the world’s approach to industrial development in the future, protecting the environment while creating jobs and growth for Neom.”

The first manufacturing tenants will enter Oxagon at the beginning of 2022.



Source: International Construction

Secure, high quality construction depends on easy to use fastening solutions that are guaranteed to perform well in the long term. Nowhere is this more crucial than when attaching building elements to concrete where fasteners must be able to accommodate many different types of load and remain resistant to corrosion throughout their design-life.

Here is where construction fastener specialist EJOT UK is innovating to support the growth in MMC. Its newly extended range of concrete screws and through-bolts enables the safe, secure and rapid on-site assembly of offsite-produced elements with the assurance of European Technical Assessments (ETAs) and the backing of a globally experienced R&D team.

High corrosion resistance for lasting concrete attachments
Developed specifically to meet the needs of the UK market, EJOT has launched an ETA-approved fastener with enhanced corrosion resistance – the JC6-KB. This is a bi-metallic concrete screw manufactured in A4 316 stainless steel with hardened carbon steel lead threads.

As a result, the JC6-KB is suitable for outdoor Option 1 concrete applications approved for environmental classifications ranging from C1 up to C4, in accordance with BS EN 12944.

Its development reflects how the UK R&D team, supported by the EJOT Group team in Germany, is ideally positioned to ensure local customers have the right products they need to apply in the way they prefer. The overall EJOT product portfolio may be designed to suit a global market, but that does not mean UK customers have to adapt the way they work when choosing the EJOT brand.

In fact, the team in Sherburn-in-Elmet is proactively developing UK-focused fasteners that are gaining traction in overseas markets too, making a positive contribution to the global construction market. This benefits from the EJOT strength that brings together the best of British and German engineering – an internationally respected combination.
An expanded concrete screws range with new application potential

The JC6-KB’s development was in tandem with another major concrete screws advance by EJOT globally. Its new JC2 range of carbon steel concrete screws offers greatly extended scope for achieving a secure, reliable attachment for metal fixtures in Option 1 cracked, non-cracked and hollowcore concrete, as well as other hard base materials.
This enables JC2 self-tapping concrete screws to be used as an alternative to anchors or screw/nylon plug combinations in an increased range of construction applications. This could include attaching façade scaffolding, shelving and handrails to battens, cable racks and formwork.

Importantly, as these concrete screws need no expansion, they can be used closer to the edge of the concrete and at smaller spacings than when using anchors. They are also easy to use and install, with no specialist skills required, which can be a big time-saver on site.

Only a small pilot hole is required, which generates a relatively small amount of dust. Once this is removed from the hole, the screws are simply driven into place  – they offer a good degree of adjustability like a standard wood or metal screw which makes them a versatile choice.

The JC2 range offers six fastener types designed by EJOT’s R&D teams in both Germany and the UK to offer superior performance in-situ along with hassle-free installation. All provide the independent assurance of ETA approval and are tested to offer fire resistance to 120 minutes.

Upgrades to EJOT UK’s ETA approved through-bolt range
Whilst the new range of EJOT concrete screws offers greater versatility on-site, a through-bolt is still often the preferred attachment approach for a whole host of reasons.

Here is where EJOT UK has innovated further. Its range of ETA-approved through-bolts – also known as anchor bolts – is the BA Plus, providing a range of Option 1 anchors suitable for both cracked and non-cracked concrete applications.

It builds on the strengths of EJOT’s established BA range of torque-controlled expansion anchors, suitable for concrete and other hard base materials including natural stone. And the benefits are extensive, including being quicker to install, more secure in thinner concrete and a design that reduces the risk of installer error.
BA Plus provides through-bolts for all the most typical cracked and non-cracked concrete applications ≥ C20/25 up to the seismic Option 1 performance. Backed with the independent assurance of ETA approval, the range offers a dependable solution for numerous applications including steel structures, column base plates, heavy duty racking, cable racks, handrails and facades.

But BA Plus is not the only new through-bolt development by EJOT. Its UK team has also developed a new range of through-bolts for Option 7 non-cracked concrete applications, BA-C NC. This provides a class-leading anchor for many other applications including warehouse racking and stadium seating – again backed by the third party assurance of an ETA.

Find out more and access technical support

EJOT UK is a full manufacturing member of the CFA (Critical Fixings Association). Full details about the EJOT range of fastening systems for concrete are available on the below website, where new brochures for the various ranges can also be requested.

The superior airtightness performance qualities of the Wraptite® air barrier system from the A. Proctor Group will enhance a new state-of-the-art development at St Dunstan’s College – a co-educational independent school in Catford, London.

Contractor Willmott Dixon will deliver the new Junior School, STEM building and Sixth Form Hub at St Dunstan’s.
Designed by Bond Bryan Architects, the new development will be sited adjacent to the existing historic Headmaster’s House and connected by a glass atrium. Phase one includes a new junior school with specialist facilities for art, music and performance, and phase two includes the construction of the STEM Centre and Sixth Form Hub.
A vital element of the design and construction is to maximise the energy efficiency of the new buildings: Wraptite airtightness membrane, the only self-adhering vapour permeable air barrier certified by the BBA, will form a crucial part of the solution.
The inclusion of Wraptite within the facade will ensure “as-designed” performance, narrowing the gap between as-designed and actual energy performance and reducing the likelihood of potential failures to meet required airtightness levels.
Wraptite is a self-adhesive breather membrane applied externally, quickly and efficiently as part of the rainscreen system. The self-adhesive Wraptite membrane fully bonds directly to the substrate, requiring no mechanical attachment and little seals or tapes to suppress air leakage around junctions or penetrations.
Wraptite combines the critical properties of vapour permeability and airtightness in one self-adhering membrane, providing high levels of protection to the building fabric beneath the cladding. As a result, the Wraptite system allows the substrate beneath to dry quickly and moisture vapour to escape and reduces the likelihood of mould, mildew, condensation, timber distortion and metal corrosion.
Wraptite is compliant with Part B regulation changes and also has BBA approval for unrestricted use in buildings over 18m in England and 11m in Scotland.