The technique works like an umbrella: The bridge is assembled vertically, then lowered and “opened” with hydraulic joints.

By  Derya Özdemir


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Engineers from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) have developed a futuristic twist on building bridges and demonstrated the technique for the first time in Austria last week. The umbrella-like technique resembles the opening and closing of an umbrella over a river.

The traditional way to construct a bridge happens piece by piece: either the engineers make use of scaffolding or use piers to act as vertical load-bearing structures. In order to keep balance, things progress bit by bit, and the bridge is carefully built outwards in any direction.

According to the researchers, this new bridge construction system is expected to be much simpler, faster, cheaper, and has a less environmental impact.

The team had been working on the new method for years: the idea was patented in 2006, in 2010 first tests were carried out by TU Wien. The technique involved hollow girders being mounted to a pier in an upright position. Girders would be joined at the top, and then, would be gently unfolded downwards.

The researchers implemented the new technique for the first time over the Lafnitz River on the border of Austria and Hungary, where Austria’s new S7 motorway is being constructed.

As it was imagined on the paper, the bridge, which is roughly 236 ft long, was assembled vertically instead of horizontally and lowered with bendable hydraulic joints that mimic an umbrella’s internal movements.

You can watch the bridge unfold here:


Once the hollow girders were lowered all the way through and horizontal, they could be filled with concrete to complete the structural components of the bridge. According to the team, this technique provides a bridge of the same durability as the traditional methods, while saving a lot of time.

Johann Kollegger of the Institute of Structural Engineering of TU Wien says, “Erecting bridges using scaffolding usually takes months. The elements for the balanced lowering method, on the other hand, can be set up in two to three days, and the lowering process takes around three hours.”

In this case, less time equals fewer costs, and the method could prove extremely useful in areas with uneven terrains or nature reserves that are ought to left undisturbed.

Moreover, it would be much safer for workers since after the umbrella-technique there is only a safe and completed bridge ready to fill in and finish.

If the practice catches on, this might be the future of constructing bridges.


Source: Interesting Engineering


Some good news out of Wuhan, capital of central China’s Hubei province and epicenter for the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that’s now intensifying elsewhere across the globe.

Authorities have suspended operations at all 16 of the city’s temporary hospitals—most erected and put into operation with remarkable speed and efficiency—as the infection rate across the greater Wuhan region continues to plummet following an aggressive, nearly two-month-long quarantine period. The temporary facilities were established with the express purpose of treating patients suffering from symptoms of coronavirus. The first of these makeshift hospitals discharged its last group of recovered patients on March 1.

The news of the hospitals’ closure comes at roughly the same time as Chinese state media declared that the spread of the virus has been constrained in Hubei and beyond, with only new 19 new cases being reported as of March 9, all of them in Wuhan, a significant drop from just the day before. In total, Chinese officials have reported 80,754 confirmed cases of coronavirus since the outbreak began in late December. There have been 3,136 resulting deaths in China, with the first being reported on January 11.

To mark the encouraging milestone, President Xi Jinping visited Wuhan for the first time since the outbreak began, where he relayed, per the BBC, that the virus had been “basically curbed” in the region.

“Initial success has been made in stabilising the situation and turning the tide in Hubei and Wuhan,” said Xi.

President Xi’s visit to Wuhan included a stopover at the 1,000-bed Huoshenshan Hospital, where he “visited” on-their-way-out patients and medical staff via video. Encompassing 645,000 square feet, Huoshenshan (“Mount Fire God”) Hospital was one of two field hospitals built-from-scratch on the outskirts of Wuhan, China’s 9th most populous city, in under 10 days using modular construction methods. This approach, taking a direct page from a prefab hospital erected in Beijing during the 2003 SARS outbreak, was in lieu of repurposing large existing structures such as convention centers and stadiums as was the case with most of the city’s other temporary medical facilities.

Construction of Huoshenshan Hospital kicked off on January 23 was completed on February 2, with its first patients being admitted the next morning. A sister facility erected from prefabricated modules, Leishenshan (“Mount Thunder God”) Hospital, opened on February 8 in a massive disused parking lot in the neighboring Jiangxia district.

“China has a record of getting things done fast, even for monumental projects like this,” Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for at the Council on Foreign Relations, told the BBC when work on Huoshenshan Hospital was first underway. “Engineering work is what China is good at. They have records of building skyscrapers at speed. This is very hard for Westerners to imagine. It can be done.”

Time lapse video: Construction of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital completed

With ample room to accommodate between 1,500 and 2,000 patients and a 1,260-person-strong medical staff, the largest of Wuhan’s now-closed coronavirus treatment centers, dubbed the Wuhan Living Room Temporary Hospital, took over a major exhibition center. While transforming an expo center into a massive emergency medical center practically overnight was obviously quite a feat of planning and logistics, the hospital didn’t receive as grandiose a name as its swiftly realized modular counterparts.

Dr. Zhang Junjian, a neurologist at Wuhan University and the director of the Wuhan Living Room hospital, told the Associated Press at the end of February that he expected operations to end in “maybe in mid-March or during the last ten days of March because fewer patients are being admitted and the number of patients being discharged is gradually increasing now.”

“If nothing special happens, I expect the operation of our makeshift hospital, the biggest one in Wuhan, could complete its historical mission by the end of March,” he added.

Based on the news coming out of China, that much-anticipated day came even earlier than expected.


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As China basks in these encouraging developments and its president takes a very public victory lap, the spread of the virus shows no signs of slowing elsewhere including in heavily ravaged Italy, which recently enacted an unprecedented nationwide shut-down for all 60 million of its residents following a regional quarantine that was limited to the country’s northern regions. This week, Italy also recorded the highest single-day fatality rate—168 people killed by the virus in 24 hours—since the outbreak began.

The United States, particularly the Seattle metro area and suburban New York City, has also experienced an alarming uptick in confirmed cases over the last several days.


Source: The Architects Newspaper


Joe Beeton of Construction Dive reports on a recent USA survey.

Modular Monitor: How GCs, trades and architects view offsite construction, by the numbers

Survey responses from Dodge show that the professions are aligned on some aspects and at odds on others. Here’s what the data might mean for the future of offsite.

Since Construction Dive began taking the pulse of offsite construction, this column has been inundated with praise for the method from self-identified modular builders.

Modular-focused firms are putting together vertically integrated business models, handing over keys to turnkey buildings and even calling the movement disruptive. 

But modular builders likely can’t move the needle on their own, so the focus is different for this month’s column: modular’s other stakeholders. 

While there are over 200 modular builders in the U.S., according to the Modular Building Institute, commercial modular building only accounts for about 4% of the market. It would take sweeping buy-in from traditional contractors, designers, owners and all applicable trade professionals for modular to be defined as an industry disruption, or a “major disturbance in the way things are done,” as Ivan Rupnik, an associate professor at Northeastern University’s School of Architecture, puts it.

Owners may be the most pivotal, because they conceive and fund projects, and if a build is going to be modular, it has to be modular before shovels hit the dirt, according to Laurie Robert, LEED AP and vice president of modular building specialist NRB Inc. in Canada.

Who’s making way for modular?

While Robert also expressed the common sentiment that lack of education among owners often inhibits modular’s take-off, it’s important to note that there seems to be a certain threshold for a tipping point: Once owners are convinced, they go out and actively champion it.

But what about architects, construction managers and subcontractor groups such as erectors and building enclosure trades? What do they seem to agree on, and where do they differ?

To that end, Dodge Data & Analytics recently released a report that culled together thought leadership on modular and prefabrication, such as the observation from Rupnik, and recorded results from a survey on modular construction that elicited responses from more 600 AEC professionals ranging from designers to steel fabricators.

To participate, respondents had to have worked on at least one project that involved prefabrication elements or full modular construction in the last three years. Of that pool, only 15 identified as modular builders or manufacturers, and their answers were recorded separately.

As a publication that’s trying to shine light on the industry’s more comprehensive and often varied views of modular, it’s refreshing for Construction Dive to see a vast array of tangential stakeholders weigh in on the topic.

Answers were broken out by three professions.


Analysis shows how much they dovetail on myriad sentiments and also some of the ways in which they contrast.

General contractors that responded, for example, overwhelmingly showed support for offsite building methods. That may not be a total surprise, considering that last month we heard heavyweights that have made their name in traditional stick building, such as Mortenson and DPR, talk about benefits they’ve had with offsite construction.

But it’s important to consider where GCs’ stance fits among other stakeholders in the built environment.

For one, this was the group that most forecasted increased use of full-volumetric permanent modular construction. A slight majority predicted only 25% or less of their projects being composed of mostly flat-packed or 3D modules built offsite in the next three years. But more importantly, a quarter of that group said they’ll be using the method on more than half of their projects. Only 13% anticipated no involvement at all.

Where does modular make sense?

Out of 14 market segments, GCs found medical facilities the most promising for modular construction. Forty-one per cent selected healthcare as being in the top 10 most-promising sectors, which represents a higher volume than any other category. Respondents were going out on a limb on their healthcare predictions, because that number is double the percentage of firms that ranked it as one of the top building types they’d done through modular means in the past three years.

Healthcare ranked similarly for the 219 trades representatives that responded. Like the GCs’ rankings, it also came in as the subs’ strongest category for modular growth, with 56% crowning it in their top 10 despite only 31% putting it in that class when looking back.

But the consensus of contractors and subs differ from that of designers, who stand behind multifamily as the strongest contender for increasing modular inroads. Half of the more than 200 architects and engineers polled ranked it in one of the top spots, despite only 16% saying it’s been one of the most prominent categories in recent years.

Multifamily is perhaps the biggest enigma of the report. “Design firms,” for instance, according to co-authors Stephen Jones and Donna Laquidara-Carr, “are extremely positive about the role of modular on multifamily projects going forward,” and the numbers back that up.

Trades, on the other hand, more frequently ranked it as being significant in the last three years yet not nearly as likely to hold such importance in the next three. GCs’ take seems to be that it will taper slightly but remain about the same, with only 33% saying it has been and will continue to be one of the top building types for modular.

GCs and trades are also more optimistic about modular in the hospitality segment, with it coming in second and third in that same index, respectively, for the next three years. Designers, on the contrary, anticipate the sector’s use of modular slowing.


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What’s driving offsite’s growth?

For all groups, the “desire to increase productivity” reigned as the most important factor influencing the move to offsite in the past three years, according to Laquidara-Carr and her team’s findings, though builders and subs ranked productivity gains even higher than designers, likely because of how it impacts their workflow.

“Remaining competitive” was the second-most influential factor among all three, and even more so for subs.

“Interestingly,” the report notes, “design firms report having been most highly motivated by seeking improved cost performances (58%) — out [pacing] both GCs/CMs (49%) and trades (50%).

“This,” the findings continue, “ … [indicates] that architects and engineers understand both prefabrication and modular construction can have a positive influence on cost control and should lead to more development of design solutions that consciously enable both.”

What’s holding modular back?

The rub, however, is that designers forecasted the lowest overall percentage of prefabricated assemblies usage in the coming three years. Only 16% anticipated use of prefab components such as behind-the-wall plumbing assemblies for headwalls or multi-trade assemblies such as above-the-ceiling corridor racks in hospitals, as opposed to full-volumetric room modules.

This means, the authors wrote, that designers need “to become more engaged with designing in a way that enables contractors to implement prefabrication.”

Getting on the same page in the development of both prefabricated assemblies-based and module designs takes teamwork, and the culture needs to change, NRB’s Robert said. “The formation of your team, including the owner, the architect, the general contractor, the modular builder and all other stakeholders,” she continued, “is certainly the most important aspect of a modular project’s success.”

Luckily, for the sake of modular’s advancement, there are many things to agree on. All three groups leaned into the idea that modular construction improves project schedule performance, with that factor resonating as the biggest driver for growth. Around half of each groups’ respondents believed modular reduces project costs enough to consider it a highly influential factor in stirring up demand.

But GCs didn’t agree with most subs and designers on modular’s penchant for improved quality as being a top driver. Only 34% believed it will play an important role, whereas half of the designers and half the subs said it’d have an increasingly high level of influence.

Another area in which all groups aligned included their take on what’s inhibiting modular growth the most. Owners, as noted, are still one of the biggest influencers on whether industry players toying with offsite tactics actually employ them on projects or not —​ and that’s true for all groups, with each ranking “lack of owner interest” a top obstacle.

Kendra Halliwell, associate principal of the women-owned Icon Architecture, also previously expressed the fact that availability of modular factories, or lack thereof, can be a big determinant in whether a modular project gets greenlit. That’s even more evident for designers, according to the report, with half of that group ranking it as a huge setback to growth and GCs trailing slightly in that opinion.

“One thing I want to emphasize is, if you’re doing a modular project, to visit the factory at least once a week while it’s being constructed,” the AIA and LEED AP architect said during a case study presentation of her firm’s first modular build, the 171-unit, 129-module The Graphic Lofts, Boston’s largest modular multifamily development. “We didn’t plan for that, and we ended up having to make up for that. We did, however, meet three times a week — sometimes through virtual meetings — with the architect, contractor and modular manufacturer.” Proximity to the factory is key, she said.

Trade contractors, however, don’t see availability in the same light. Only about 23% considered it a problem, but that could be because trades “are not as involved in sourcing suppliers,” according to the report.

How are supply decisions made?

How players select modular construction services is another eye-opener. “Design firms and GCs most highly value expertise,” the report found, but “design firms are far more influenced by owners on their modular supplier decisions than GCs.”

“Price,” however, “is not a highly influential factor for selection of a modular construction supplier,” for any groups using full-volume modular builds, the authors found, noting that it will likely be more of a factor as more and more suppliers enter the market.

But that’s different from what respondents had to say about the supply of prefabricated components and services. “This contrasts with prefabrication, where it ranked second overall on this same list of six factors and was cited as the primary influencer by 20% of GCs/CMs,” the report noted. “This may reflect the different maturity levels between these two markets, where because there are more suppliers available for prefabrication, price can be more readily used for competitive evaluation.”

Yet a different take is that some builds involve a combination of both full-module rooms and single- or multi-trade prefabricated assemblies, or combine those offsite elements with traditional methods, otherwise known as hybrid builds. Robert, concurring with another common perception, espoused the value of hybrid models.

And it’s in hybrid or prefab work where many subs shine. While they are involved in full-volume modularization jobs as well, they often are the most heavily invested when it comes to any other jobs that require at least partial panelisation or prefab components.

The study notes that “trades can often make the decision to prefabricate their part of the work without significantly impacting or involving other trades.” Subs seemed both the most well-versed in prefabrication when looking back at the past three years and also the most enthusiastic about the next three.

Subcontractors often have to put their workers’ necks on the line, so modular’s purported safety benefits hold a lot of water for subs. “Safety scores far higher with trade contractors because of its direct impact on their workforce,” the report said.



Source: Construction Dive

Offsite construction specialists The McAvoy Group have secured a multi-million-pound investment from London-based Blantyre Capital.

Although the specific level of financial backing is currently undisclosed, the company says the significant investment will support McAvoy in its continued growth in the offsite sector, and will also finance the group’s ambitious expansion programme.

The McAvoy family – Orla Corr and Conor McAvoy – remain as shareholding directors and fully active in the business. The current board will continue to be led by Mark Lowry, managing director, and will be joined by a director from Blantyre, further strengthening the existing management team.

Orla Corr, shareholder and director, said: “We are extremely excited to partner with a highly respected investment fund that is fully aligned with our vision for future growth and our strategic plan. It was important for our staff, our customers and our valued supply chain to join forces with a dynamic and reliable investor who will help accelerate our growth.

“We have our strongest project pipeline for many years and in a diverse range of sectors. Partnering with Blantyre will enable us to leverage industry-leading offsite solutions across the UK and Ireland and to continue to develop our award-winning digital construction strategy.”

Adam Phillips, head of investments at Blantyre Capital, said: “The offsite sector offers enormous opportunities for transforming construction and is a sector in which we are keen to invest. We are confident in McAvoy’s growth potential and we are looking forward to a highly successful and productive business partnership.”

The McAvoy Group has been providing offsite schemes and interim modular buildings for the past 50 years, and it has two purpose-built manufacturing centres in Northern Ireland spanning more than 150,000sqft. Current projects nearing completion include a new mental health assessment unit at Kingston Hospital in Surrey and the 630-pupil Paxton Academy in Croydon.


Source: Infrastructure Intelligence

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Housing Minister, Julie James has announced that factory-made ‘modular’ housing should be used to quickly increase the number of high-quality social and affordable homes being built across Wales – part of a new Welsh Government strategy to kick-start the modern methods of construction industry.
The Welsh Government wants councils to build far more Council homes at scale and at pace, however, they face the well-documented capacity constraints faced by traditional house builders.
To deliver more homes quickly, councils will be encouraged to use modern methods of construction (MMC), which will help them build better quality homes faster than traditional methods allow, in order to meet the growing need for affordable housing across the country.
MMC includes various construction methods from new materials and technologies, to off-site manufacturing, which either replace or complement traditional methods of construction.
MMC opportunities will also bring significant new benefits to the Welsh economy.
To back Welsh business, Ministers plan to help this next generation of homes to be built utilising national assets such as Welsh steel and Welsh timber. There will also be a focus on using the emerging MMC industry in Wales to pursue Welsh social and ethical ambitions, including developing skills and market-leading technical expertise in communities hardest hit by the decline of traditional industries. Investment will also help firms invest in locally sourced labour.

Other benefits include:
• creating new jobs and developing the new skills required to accommodate greater use of MMC, which will represent a sea-change in the construction industry
• upskilling the existing construction workforce
• attracting new and diverse entrants from marginalised groups such as offenders and those who wouldn’t necessarily consider careers in traditional construction such as women

As part of the Welsh Government’s new Modern Methods of Construction strategy ‘Reimagining social house building in Wales’, which is being published today, Ministers are making a major £45 million investment in the modular housing industry in Wales, to ensure it can deliver the next generation of social housing that people need.


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£20 million is being made available for MMC businesses, who in partnership with Welsh social landlords, want to build the next generation of social housing. This investment is designed to help and encourage the market, especially SMEs, to develop off-site manufacture (OSM) solutions such as supply chains, factories, skills development centres, that meet the needs of the next generation of social housing in Wales.
A further £25 million is being made available for round 4 of the Welsh Government’s Innovative Housing Programme, which will focus on innovative housing delivered through MMC.
The strategy supports the Welsh Government’s ambitions to reduce carbon emissions from the housing sector. It also supports move to a circular economy, as building with MMC could reduce construction waste by as much as 70-90%.
Yesterday the Housing Minister today witnessed MMC in action on a visit to SO Modular in Neath, who already supply the social housing market in Wales.
Housing Minister, Julie James said:
Building more social and affordable homes is a key priority for the Welsh Government. Over the last 4 years, this Welsh Government has invested £2 billion in new housing across Wales, as part of our ambition to deliver 20,000 affordable homes by 2021.
But we want to build more. And we want to build better. The significant investment we’re making in the modular housing industry will enable us to do that.
Gone are the days of MMC’s association with poor quality, temporary, pre-fabricated housing; MMC now produces high quality, desirable and energy efficient affordable homes that tenants can be proud of. We have certainly moved from Pre-Fab to Ab-Fab!
Developing the MMC industry in Wales presents us with a great opportunity to not only build beautiful new social housing, but also kick-start a new industry that will become increasingly important for our economy.
The publication of the strategy is in response to a recommendation made by the Welsh Government’s Affordable Housing Supply Review, which identified Modern Methods of Construction as a way of more quickly increasing housing supply.



Deborah Rowntree looks at how we can use AIRSPACE

Rooftop development has been given significant airtime recently. The market-leading innovator in this sphere, Apex Airspace, has received just under £20m of funding from the Mayor of London and Homes England in recent weeks – representing a welcome further emphasis from all levels of government on innovative methods of housing delivery.

According to Sadiq Khan’s draft London Plan, 66,000 homes are needed each year for the next decade in the capital alone. Change is clearly required if we are going to solve the ongoing housing crisis in the UK, and embracing new, advanced methods of development is a major step.

Airspace development is the process of constructing units on top of existing residential, commercial or retail properties – building up, not out. It’s estimated that there is space for 180,000 new homes in London alone, which would represent 42% of the need identified by the London Plan. Undoubtably, the opportunities on a national scale are vast.

However, airspace doesn’t just mean building more expensive penthouses. For local authorities, one of the major benefits of this method is its inherent suitability for developing affordable housing. The £10m boost from the Mayor’s Innovation Fund will allow Apex to partner with more councils across the capital and deliver new schemes that could provide 100% genuinely affordable homes. The Government’s investment in airspace development is welcome, and local authorities should recognise how airspace can help them satisfy social housing objectives.


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Taking stock

Airspace development is well-suited for local authorities as they hold extensive amounts of existing housing stock. Across the UK’s densely developed cities, councils are sitting under swathes of valuable airspace without realising how much the air above their rooftops is worth. Rooftop development helps them maximise their assets, and increases the value of the buildings simultaneously, representing a sound investment.

In addition, development is done with minimum disruption to incumbent residents, as homes are built offsite using modular construction and arrive on site 95% complete before being installed. Modular is one of the most exciting innovations across property and is favoured by Government as one of the keys to addressing delivery shortages and improving efficiency.

The result is precision-engineered affordable homes, built on top of existing developments in ready-made communities. Unlike developing on new – often brownfield – traditional sites, airspace development doesn’t involve unlocking land, identifying up-and-coming boroughs or onerous pre-commencement remediation. By building on existing developments, homes are delivered in areas which already contain the necessary infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and transport links for people to move into established neighbourhoods straightaway.

Reach for the sky

If we’re going to meet housing targets, councils need to be ambitious. However, there are undoubtedly challenges as airspace development continues to grow.

Identifying suitable buildings for adaptation is typically the first hurdle. While there is great potential to build upwards in local authorities across the country, finding the right base can be an intricate process.

For this reason, strategic partnerships are crucial. Councils need to team up with specialist developers who bring the necessary expertise to navigate the untrodden ground that a new form of development typically entails.

From a technical perspective, these challenges start with negotiating financing and bespoke contracts for deals – the specifics of airspace don’t conform to standard documentation. As such, when facilitating the deal with Homes England, we needed to be alive to the challenges thrown up by negotiations with existing freeholders and leaseholders, planning impacts on rights to light, and convincing lenders and mortgage providers to engage with modular built homes.

Building up

It is encouraging to see government embracing a new way forward – and upward. As more rooftop homes are built, the potential of airspace development to help local authorities build affordable housing will become more and more evident.

Every suitable council-owned property in the country represents an opportunity, and in the context of a national housing shortage, local authorities can scarcely afford to ignore this missed chance to provide new affordable homes.

Policy makers are already responding, and airspace was referenced in both the draft London Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) last year. We now hope that more local authorities will show willing to adopt this fresh approach.

Deborah Rowntree is senior associate in the real estate finance team at Winckworth Sherwood


Source: LocalGov


Expo 2020 Dubai takes on greater significance for UK post-Brexit

Expo 2020 Dubai will provide the perfect platform for the newly divorced United Kingdom to showcase itself to the world.

While the UK left the European Union (EU) on January 31, the country has entered an 11-month transition period that keeps it bound to the EU rules until December 31, 2020.

That coincides with the UK’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, which is set to run from October 20 this year to April 10, 2021.

Simon Penney, HM Trade Commissioner for the Middle East, told Arabian Business: “It’s bang in the middle of the UK leaving the European Union on December 31, so it is the UK’s first global event where we will be represented on the global stage, which is a fantastic point for the UK to showcase global Britain.”

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The 3,417 square-metre, two storey UK pavilion is due to be delivered in May or June this year at an estimated cost of $18 million.

Highlighting a drive for AI and space exploration, the pavilion will showcase innovations in culture, education, tourism and business.

Founding partners of the pavilion are De Montfort University (DMU) Leicester and London-headquartered HSBC.

Daniel Howlett, regional head of commercial banking, Middle East, North Africa and Turkey, told Arabian Business: “The UK is the largest single corridor for HSBC from a UAE perspective. We’re keen to continue building that. We’re confident when you look at the UK pavilion, it’s going to be outstanding.”


Source: Arabian Business

The housing sector is calling for quality measures to be embedded into contracts to ensure the industry improves standards.

At The Housing Forum’s Quality Counts conference, architects, contractors, suppliers and sub-contractors identified procurement as the stage in the housebuilding process that will have the most impact on quality.

Their suggestions included building in quality measures and check points within each stage, being specific on standards that must be adhered too and stating the minimum quality expectations, all within the initial contract.

They also called for roles within design and procurement to engage with parties involved in the build and occupancy stage much earlier in the development to give a more realistic indicator of time scale and cost.

Stephen Teagle, chair of The Housing Forum, said:

“I tend to break down the approach to quality in to four areas: design; procurement; build and customer experience. We have tools and solutions for design, build and customer experience, but all attendees touched on the issues experienced during the procurement stage.

“Often the industry is racing to deliver on time which can result in a failure to consult the supply chain effectively. We need to look at the relationship between the different parties involved at all stages to help address the fragmentation of the industry.”


 The use of technology was another key theme to emerge from the Quality Counts event. As well as embracing newer technologies and processes linked to Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), groups discussed how existing technologies such as smart phones could be utilised to help streamline and accurately record data for quality assurance purposes. 


As part of its commitment to quality, The Housing Forum has also released its new A Quality Home for All manifesto. The manifesto calls for a far higher number of affordable homes to be built, properly funded Local Authority planning services, and the appointment of a Secretary of State for Housing.

It has also written to all main party candidates standing in the General Election in England, urging them to place quality house building at the heart of their political agenda.

To download the manifesto, visit The Housing Forum website.

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The government has released the report of the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission.  Our readership constitutes individuals who collectively would have to bring about the changes recommended in this report. Whilst it acknowledges the desperate need for social housing, it also seems to hark back to a time when money and time where in greater supply and ideals of philanthropy so perfectly demonstrated in housing provision by individuals such as George Cadbury could be expounded without compromise.  In such times individuals rather than government bodies were far more in control of social house provision and that allowed their vision to be bridled only by the funding at their disposal.

The report focuses strongly on the negative role of the motor car when affecting design in both our homes and the spaces around them but it asks for a complete re-think of planning which would be difficult without the virtual eradication of the motor cars.  Without a technological advancement that is quite beyond our current status, the replacement of the car is not going to happen quickly.

Given that the times we live in are so radically different from those of the late 19th early 20th centuries, we question whether the approach suggested by the report has any practical relevance to construction today.  It might be suggested that the report tells us nothing that we do not already know and equally gives no real solution, which raises the question, what is the point?  We have included some extracts from it below and would really welcome the comments of those of you who look at our industry from the mud and grit of the construction site rather that what might be seen as the view from ivory towers, where distance blurs the hard edges of reality.


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……….It is not often that a government adopts beauty as a policy objective. But such is the remit of this Commission, and we fully endorse the thinking that has led to it. It is widely believed that we are building the wrong things, in the wrong places, and in defiance of what people want. A comprehensive recent study agrees, arguing that about three quarters of new housing developments are mediocre or poor.1 At a time when there is an acute shortage of homes, there is therefore widespread opposition to new developments, which seem to threaten the beauty of their surroundings and to impose a uniform ‘cookie cutter’ product that degrades our natural and built inheritance. People want to live in beautiful places; they want to live next to beautiful places; they want to settle in a somewhere of their own, where the human need for beauty and harmony is satisfied by the view from the window and a walk to the shops, a walk which is not marred by polluted air or an inhuman street. But those elemental needs are not being met by the housing market, and the planning system has failed to require them. The Commission on building beautifully was set up at the end of 2018, asking us to review the planning system that has regulated construction in our country over the last hundred years. Ours is a discretionary system. The right to build has been nationalised. However, it does not proceed by top-down control from government, but by the granting of permissions decided locally. This allows a voice to the many interests involved, including the interests of neighbours, and reflects the historical origins of our legislation, largely introduced under pressure from civic associations motivated by the desire to protect our natural and architectural legacy from thoughtless destruction in the wake of the industrial revolution. It has also meant that, in comparison with many other countries, the planning process as we know it is both uncertain in its outcome and unclear in what it permits, involving high risk for the developer and sparking often fierce resistance from local communities. Large estates of low-quality housing naturally arouse opposition from those whose amenities and property-values they threaten, and precious aspects of our built environment and countryside give rise to a strong desire to protect them from changes that might spoil them. The cumulative effect of this, together with a rise in litigation from developers, has been a stagnation in the planning process, and a sense that – despite the greatly increased wealth that this country now enjoys, in comparison with what was enjoyed by our predecessors in the early 20th century – we are building less beautifully than they, and indeed littering the country with built debris of a kind that nobody will want to conserve. What has gone wrong, and how can we change it? Those were the questions before the Commission, and this report is our answer to them. It is not the final answer; but it is the first step towards understanding the direction in which our planning policy should go…………..


….. Cities built with the aim of accommodating the car therefore have to look very different from the traditional city. If three parking spaces are required per household, as occurs in some local authorities, then terraces, streets, squares and mansion blocks become nearly impossible. The traditional shopping crescents and high streets tend to be abandoned and replaced with out-of-town retail centres, surrounded by fields of cars. Offices and government buildings are transferred to business parks, with their own parking lots. Walkability and mixed-use neighbourhoods are swiftly imperilled. We do not need to imagine this: in much of the United States it is the norm, with residential settlements starting life and remaining as car-dependent sprawls. Once the car starts to take over, the process becomes self-reinforcing: even people who would prefer to walk to the shops have to drive if there are no shops in walking distance……


……… The government of Harold Macmillan did oversee the rehoming of vast numbers of the poorest families out of inner-city slums into the ‘fresher air’ of the new housing estate; arguably the highest annual delivery of new homes we have seen in this country. However, what happened next was cheap system-building, often corrupt procurement, the ‘vertical slums’ that were poorly constructed and often equally poorly managed, leading to isolation and crime, that and were a far cry from the neighbourliness and family life they promised. We have learnt from these mistakes. Over more recent decades, new affordable housing has often been built by housing associations and councils to higher space and design standards than much of the housing for sale that this Commission has seen. As landlords, housing associations and councils have a long-term stake in these places and a commitment to the people living there, to offer the best quality of life they can. However, the severe shortage means that opportunistic developers can abuse permitted development rights to produce accommodation of the lowest quality to house those with no alternative. As the TCPA’s Raynsford Review pointed out, there is no beauty in a child having to use a car park as a play area or being housed in a glorified shipping container next to a flyover, on the argument that it is better than nothing. We believe that all homes – new build or conversions – should meet minimum standards for space, amenity and comfort, as well as the safety of the people that live there…..



And completes its role in construction of Ain Dubai

Netherlands-headquartered engineered heavy lifting and transport firm Mammoet has successfully completed its role in the construction of Ain Dubai, the world’s tallest observation wheel.

Developed by master developer Meraas, Ain Dubai sits on Bluewaters in the heart of Dubai and once operational, it will provide residents and visitors views of the Dubai city and its shoreline.

Mammoet’s journey with Ain Dubai began in 2014, when the main contractor on the project Hyundai Engineering & Construction (HDEC), awarded it the heavy lifting contract to install the key structural elements of the wheel.


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Since it was involved in the early stages of the project, Mammoet presented an installation method that delivered greater efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness.

The firm proposed installing the largest elements, the legs and spindle, directly from the barge, which arrived at the foundations with two super heavy lift cranes. This eliminated the need for temporary storage, multiple barge transports, and working at extreme heights.

In 2016, Mammoet successfully positioned Ain Dubai’s four legs onto their foundations and lifted the spindle. The legs and the spindle were prefabricated offsite by others before being transported by barge to the installation site, which saved time and improved safety.

In doing this, Mammoet also reduced the number of barge trips required and each component was built safely at ground level before being lifted into place.

Each of the 890-ton legs measured 126m in length and 6.5m in diameter. They were rolled onto Mammoet’s barge using 40-axle lines of SPMT at the fabrication yard in Abu-Dhabi.

For the installation, Mammoet paired the world’s biggest crane – PTC 200-DS – a 5000-tonne ring crane, with a 3000-tonne (T) crawler crane. Together they ensured the stability and flexibility required to lift each leg and the spindle from the barge into position, whilst working 137m above the ground.

Mammoet set a world record by lifting the 1,900T spindle to sit on top of the four legs: it was the world’s heaviest and highest tandem lift ever completed.


Following the positioning of the legs and the spindle, Mammoet lifted eight rim pieces and temporary spokes.

The 3000T crawler crane was the only crane capable of carrying out these lifts. Its high capacity combined with its long lift radius could meet the distance between the barge and the installation point and lift each 700T section in one motion, without the need to set them down or reconfigure the crane.

Over a period of three and a half months, Mammoet supported the removal of the temporary spokes until all eight temporary spokes were disconnected from the wheel. Each 112m-long spoke, weighing 470T, was lifted off the structure in tandem by Mammoet’s 600T and 400T crawler cranes.

Commenting on the incident-free delivery, commercial director at Mammoet Middle East and Africa, Michel Bunnik, said: “Having been involved in the construction of many of the UAE’s iconic landmarks, such as Burj Al Arab and its expansion, Dubai Metro, Dubai Mall, and the luxury Five hotel on Palm Jumeirah island, we are pleased to add another one to our successes in the Middle East.”

Bunnik added: “Engineering capabilities, operational excellence, and the remarkable cooperation of the entire project team ensured that the project was delivered successfully and incident-free.”


Source: Construction Week Online